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Colorado Chalks Up a Century of Teacher Licenses

More than 100 years ago, those who wanted to teach high school in Colorado merely needed to complete high school.

That changed in 1909 when Colorado state legislators created a formal statewide credential for the teaching profession. It required high school teachers to be college graduates, lending status and credibility to educators.

This fall marks the 100-year anniversary of the state teacher licensure legislation. Nearly 800 students are part of the school of education today versus a mere 241 in 1910.

Carrying on its legacy, the school continues helping others achieve education goals. The 26-year-old BUENO Center for Multicultural Education’s High School Equivalency Program has helped more than 20,000 migrant and seasonal farm workers in Colorado earn their General Educational Development (GED), the equivalent of a high school diploma. This year it received $470,000 in federal funding to continue the program.