Campus News
- Classrooms for Climate Action connects future teachers, students and community partners to engage young learners in climate science.
- Climate risks for incarcerated individuals, a new CU development in Louisville, a cutting-edge quantum facility and the legacy of Coach Bill McCartney.
- CU Boulder promotes sustainable transportation by offering students free access to buses, electric bikes and other services.
- CU Boulder alumni stay connected to the university through lifelong involvement, giving back and supporting future generations of Buffs.
- The Día de los Muertos altar crawl invited the community to honor and celebrate deceased loved ones through a series of altars across campus.
- The Musicians Wellness Program was among the first of its kind.
- CU is scheduled to begin construction next summer on the East Campus solar array, the largest at CU Boulder.
- The University of Colorado Buffaloes are officially back "home" again in the Big 12 after a 13-year visit to the Pac-12.
- To prove just how much time flies, here are the stories that were shaping the world in 2006, the year many of these first-year students were born.
- Tens of millions of years ago, ancient viruses infected our primate ancestors, leaving flecks of DNA that made their way into the human genome. A new study suggests these “endogenous retroviruses” may not be as harmless as once believed.