Kristen Potter Bradley

Circling Back to Boulder

Oct. 15, 2015

From biofuels in the Bay Area to biomedical devices in Boulder, alumna Kristen (Potter) Bradley (ChemBioEngr ’10) has come full circle. Bradley currently works at Medtronic’s (formerly Covidien) Tissue Research Lab in Boulder as a Development Engineer. “We make vessel sealing devices for electrosurgical applications,” she explains. “There are a...

Josh Mabry

Alum Josh Mabry Selected as Finalist for EMD Millipore's 2015 Life Science Award in Bioseparations

Oct. 8, 2015

Joshua Mabry (PhD ChemEngr ’15) was selected as one of four finalists for EMD Millipore’s 2015 Life Science Award in Bioseparations. EMD Millipore instituted this new award to recognize the innovation the academic community brings to the life science industry. Award finalists were chosen based on four criteria: level of...

Danielle Benoit

Alum Danielle Benoit Selected as 2015 Young Innovator by the Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Journal

Aug. 21, 2015

Danielle Benoit (PhD ChemEngr’06), a former doctorate student under the advisement of Professor Kristi Anseth, was chosen by the Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Journal as a 2015 Young Innovator . Now an Associate Professor at the University of Rochester, Benoit works on controlling biomaterial functionality and architecture to treat diseases...

Jia Wei Chew

Alum Jia Wei Chew Receives 2015 Singapore Youth Award

Aug. 5, 2015

ChBE alumna Jia Wei Chew has received Singapore’s highest accolade for youth, the 2015 Singapore Youth Award (SYA). According to the SYA website, “SYA recognizes the excellence of young Singaporeans everywhere: the young people who have vision, a ‘can-do’ attitude towards challenges, a ‘never-say-die’ spirit in the face of adversity,...


Alum Alex von Allmen Launches Kickstarter for Startup iFresh

Aug. 4, 2015

When not consulting for ExxonMobil and Shell, alumnus Alexander von Allmen (ChemEngr'12) devotes time to making life a little fresher. von Allmen recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund his new company iFresh LLC, which uses smartphones to control environmentally friendly air fresheners that connect to HVAC systems. Though von...

Balaji Sridhar

Bridging Medicine and Research: MD/PhD Programs

June 22, 2015

Advancing the boundaries of biomedical science requires a broad skillset. To make appreciable advances, medical scientists must have an intimate knowledge of how a body functions and be able to run a mechanism-based research lab. More and more students are turning to MD/PhD programs to blend these skills. Balaji Sridhar,...

Alumni backpacking

Alumni Backpack in Washington State

June 22, 2015

ChBE alumni (BS'13) Luke Arlow, Karina Sevcik, Tyler Gleditsch, and Jun Su An backpack in Washington State.

Mixer at Fate - Andrew Adrienne Rich Ryon and Joe

Mentor Program Happy Hour Mixer

March 6, 2015

ChBE students and alumni mentors met in February at Fate Brewery in Boulder. From left, Andrew Darress (CBEN senior), Adrienne Blum (ChemEngr ‘11), Richard Noack (CHEN junior), Ryon Tracy (ChemEngr ‘12), and Joe Poshusta (ChemEngr PhD‘99). The ChBE Mentor Program started last February has brought together 108 alumni-student pairs; get...

Vern Norviel

Patent Lawyer Vern Norviel Helps CU Start-Ups

March 6, 2015

When the founders of OPX Biotechnologies were formulating the company, they turned to Vern Norviel for help. A patent lawyer who specializes in life science companies and the development of their IP programs, Norviel has been integral in helping launch CU-based startups such as OPX Bio, Click, Suvica, AmideBio and...

Bill Krantz

ChBE Professor Emeritus Bill Krantz Wins ES&T’s 2013 Best Paper on Environmental Technology

June 11, 2014

Since retiring from ChBE in 1999, Professor Emeritus William (Bill) Krantz has stayed active in the fields of water treatment and desalination. Each year Krantz spends approximately 3 months doing research as a Visiting Professor at the Singapore Membrane Technology Center at Nanyang Technological University. His idea for cryogels recently...
