Summer Fellowships

CHA summer stipends are designed for graduate students conducting research in the humanities and the arts who don't already receiveuniversity-sponsored or external funding (in any amount) during the summer months.The excellence of the project will be the main criterion for selection.

Deadline: March 16, 2025


$6000 total, paid in equal distributions at the end of May and June


  • Students must be currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral levelprogram at CU Boulder and beenrolled in Fall 2025course/s.
  • Students must be working in the humanities or arts. Applicants who come from units outside of traditional arts and humanities fields should amply demonstrate how their project engages with multi- and inter-disciplinary arts and humanities methods and archives.
  • Any eligible student may submit an application with the exception of students who have received summer fellowships and/or fundingfrom CU Boulder or external sources
  • Studentsmay not have another summer fellowship or receive a stipend (in any amount) so those already guaranteeduniversity-sponsoredfunding are noteligible to apply. This includes summer Lecturer, GPTI,TA,or RA appointments.If you apply and are awarded and then obtainuniversity-sponsored funding at a later date,please email chagrants@colorado.eduto relinquish your CHA summer fellowship.Our goal is to provide students with a stipend who have no other means of summer funding. This includes CHA EAH scholars--who can apply but canont receive a full award since they already receive a summer stipend as EAH scholars.
  • Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please note that starting January 1, 2025, this fellowship appointment may affect your financial aid package. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Application Procedure

Complete the Application Form. Upload the application packetin a single pdf file:

  1. Cover Letter(double-spaced, 12 pt. font, one page or less). Please indicate which degree program you are currently in, note where you are in your program requirements, and why this fellowship would betimely.
  2. Proposal (double-spaced, 12 pt. font, one page or less/two pages if you'readding artistic imagesto support your proposal). Providedetails regarding your research project/interests and lay out what you hope to accomplish over the summer that will aid you in completing your thesis or dissertation. There is no requirement to complete anything, the funds are meant to support furthering your research.Please do notinclude a budget.
  3. CV

Reviewsample applications.


  • By September 1, please email cu-cha@colorado.edua 300-600 word summary (double spaced, 12 point font) of how thesummerfellowshipaided in furthering your dissertation or thesisresearch. If you prefer to write this as a letter, feel free to address it to “Dear CHA” — we ask for this information because we’d like to know the impact of the award on your research and to possibly include quotations on our website or other CHA materials. If you do not want this information shared with anyone outside of the CHA, please indicate that this information is for CHA eyes only.
  • Acknowledgment of the Center for Humanities & the Arts (CHA) is required on all promotional/published materials for projects funded by the CHA.Use this language forcredit: “This projectis supported, in part, by a grant from the Center for Humanities & the Arts”
  • Download the Center for Humanities & the Arts logo.

Apply Here
