Equitable Teaching Conference

During the week of August 9-13, 2021, join the CTL for a week-long teaching conference for CU Boulder faculty, graduate students and teaching staff who would like to prepare for the fall semester with a focus on equity-minded practices.ÌýEach day's programming centers aroundÌýa theme, and will begin with a casual coffee hour conversation. There will be two daily opportunities to join interactive workshops, and each dayÌýcloses with a happy hour conversation.Ìý

Ìý(CUE), located at the University of Southern California, definesÌýequityÌýmindednessÌýas "the outlook, perspective, or mode of thinking exhibited by practitioners who call attention to patterns of inequity in student outcomes, andÌýare willing to assume personal and institutional responsibilityÌýfor the elimination of inequity."ÌýConference participants will learn how educators can take responsibility for the climate in their classrooms, employ new teaching practices that are proactively inclusive, and create spaces of belonging in their classrooms for all students.

All sessions will occur remotely, on Zoom. Participants registering for the conferenceÌýmay join as many sessions as theyÌýlike. Slides and short recordings for all workshops will be available via a community Canvas course. We will not be recording the coffee or happy hours. Graduate and postdocÌýattendees can receive credit toward CTL teaching certificates.Ìý

Conference Schedule

Identity and Presence

Ìý Ìý9:00-9:50amÌý| Coffee Hour

  • "Introduction to Equitable Teaching Practices" with Becca Ciancanelli, Inclusive Pedagogy Lead

Ìý Ìý10:00-11:15amÌý| Workshop #1Ìý

  • Exploring Empathic Joy as Belonging withÌýJordan Quaglia, Associate Professor, Contemplative Psychology and Director, Cognitive and Affective Science Lab at Naropa University, andÌýKate Ellesworth, Director of Education Initiatives, Center for Resilience & Well-being in Schools, CU Boulder Institute of Behavioral Science

Ìý Ìý1:00-2:15pmÌý| Workshop #2Ìý

  • Accessing Vulnerability and Addressing Identity in the Classroom withÌýJason Lagapa, Professional Development Lead, CU BoulderÌýCTL, andÌýAlexander Williams, PhD Candidate, UCLAÌý

Ìý Ìý4:00-5:00pmÌý| Happy HourÌý

Student Engagement

Ìý Ìý9:00-9:50amÌý| Coffee Hour

  • Anti-racist Pedagogy and Decolonizing the Classroom withÌýBecca Ciancanelli, CTL Inclusive Pedagogy Lead

Ìý Ìý10:00-11:15amÌý| Workshop #1Ìý

  • Accessible Content and Universal Design for LearningÌýwithÌýRachel Busnardo, Digital Accessibility Trainer, Digital Accessibility Office, and Brad Grabham,ÌýLearning Experience Designer, Office of Information and Technology

Ìý Ìý1:00-2:15pmÌý| Workshop #2Ìý

  • Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum and Utilizing Transparent Assignments withÌýRoberto Arruda, Director of International Student Academic Success, Undergraduate Education, and Shane Oshetski,ÌýHumanities and Social Sciences Coordinator, Student Academic Success Center

ÌýÌý4:00-5:00pmÌý| Happy HourÌý

Relationships in the Classroom

Ìý Ìý9:00-9:50amÌý| Coffee Hour

  • Using Learning Assistants in the ClassroomÌýwithÌýValerie Otero, Professor of Science Education, Executive Director of Learning Assistant Program, Co-Director Center for STEM Learning, School of Education

Ìý Ìý10:00-11:15amÌý| Workshop #1Ìý

  • Dialogic Practices & Creating Community in the ClassroomÌýwithÌýRabea Benhalim, Associate Professor,ÌýColoradoÌýLaw, andÌýNadav Orian Peer,ÌýAssociate Professor, Colorado Law

Ìý Ìý1:00-2:15pmÌý| Workshop #2Ìý

  • Failing (in order) to Succeed: Fostering Resilience in STEM ClassroomsÌýwithÌýLisa Corwin, Assistant Professor, PrincipalÌýInvestigator for the Research on Ecology and Evolution Education for Action and Change (RE3ACH) Laboratory, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Ìý Ìý4:00-5:00pmÌý| Happy HourÌý

Reflecting on Student Learning

ÌýÌý9:00-9:50amÌý| Coffee Hour

  • Mastery-Based Grading as an Equitable Teaching PracticeÌýwithÌýJosh Grochow,ÌýAssistant Professor, Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, andÌýRafael Frongillo,ÌýAssistant Professor, Departments of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

ÌýÌý10:00-11:15amÌý| Workshop #1Ìý

  • Metacognition and Reflective Assignments for the ClassroomÌýwithÌýLinds Roberts, Assistant Professor for CU Boulder Libraries, Subject Liason to the School of Education and Department of Ethnic Studies

ÌýÌý1:00-2:15pmÌý| Workshop #2Ìý

  • Addressing Student Motivation and MindsetÌýwithÌýBecca Ciancanelli, CTL Inclusive Pedagogy Lead

ÌýÌý4:00-5:00pmÌý| Happy HourÌý

Creating a Syllabus

ÌýÌý9:00-9:50amÌý| Coffee Hour

  • Empowering Microaggression Reporting with Your SyllabusÌýwithÌýCheyOnna Sewell, Assistant Director of Social Science Education, Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program andÌýLecturer, Ethnic StudiesÌý

ÌýÌý10:00-11:15amÌý| Workshop #1Ìý

  • Crafting a Social Justice SyllabusÌýwithÌýAmy Moreno, Director of Inclusive Culture, School of Engineering and Applied Science and Becca Ciancanelli, CTL Inclusive Pedagogy Lead

ÌýÌý1:00-2:15pmÌý| Workshop #2Ìý

  • Using a Syllabus Pledge to Create An Exchange of Accountability with Donna Mejia, Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies in Dance, Department of Theatre & Dance (Affiliate, ETHN and WGST)