
Kirk Ambrose

Kirk Ambrose

Founding Director • Professor, Classics
Kirk Ambrose is a professor of Classics and founding director of the Center for Teaching & Learning. In addition to dozens of scholarly articles, book chapters, and reviews, he has published three books on the medieval art of Europe . In addition, he has curated museum exhibitions on the art of the American West, including Pioneers: Women Artists in Boulder, 1898-1950 , which was the basis of a feature-length documentary...
Kelly Headshot

Kelly Gildersleeve

Assistant Director
Dr. Kelly Gildersleeve started as the new Assistant Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning in June 2023. Prior to this role, Kelly was a teaching faculty member in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience here at CU, where she also served as her department’s lead for the Quality Teaching Initiative. In the past, Kelly led assessment research and served as an academic advisor within LSA Student Academic Affairs...


Rachana Bhave headshot

Rachana Bhave

Equitable Assessment Specialist
Rachana started as the new Equitable Assessment Specialist, CTL in July 2023. She obtained a PhD in Biology with a focus on ecology, evolution and behavior in 2023 from the University of Virginia (UVA) after completing a dual BS-MS degree at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune in 2015. Learning about how diverse forms evolve and co-exist in the same population in nature has influenced her interests...
Preston cumming Headshot

Preston Cumming

Professional Development Lead
Dr. W.F. Preston Cumming received his PhD in Geography in 2013 from the Â鶹ÊÓƵ. Although he now focuses mainly on teaching and learning, Preston’s primary scientific research interests lie in ecology and biometeorology, working on micro- and macro-climatic variability and how both native and non-native plant species respond. His post-doctoral work was in Botany at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. Prior to becoming a...
june gruber headshot

June Gruber

Faculty Fellow
June Gruber, an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and Director of the Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Laboratory, will be a new Faculty Fellow in the Center for Teaching and Learning this year. Dr. Gruber will oversee new initiatives focused on fostering faculty support around student mental health issues commonly arising in teaching and mentoring contexts. Dr. Gruber will provide faculty support and guidance for faculty handling student mental health...
Nelson Guerra

Nelson Guerra

Budget & Finance Coordinator
Nelson started at CU in 2016 and joined the Center for Teaching & Learning in 2020. He has an international hotel management background, enjoys different cultures from around the world, speaks three languages and is currently learning a fourth! Nelson is originally from Chile. He likes skiing, mountain biking, traveling and LOTS of chocolates. His perfect day is simple, hanging from a tree in his hammock.
Kalpana Headshot

Kalpana Gupta

Professional Development Lead
Dr. Kalpana Gupta is a Professional Development Lead for the Center for Teaching & Learning. Prior to this role, Kalpana was a faculty member for various higher education institutions and brings more than 20 years of experience in the field of adult education, training, and development. She earned an Ed.D. in adult and post-secondary education from the University of Wyoming, an M.A. in liberal studies with an emphasis on adult...
Ashley Lawhorn

Ashley Lawhorn

Event Planner & Communications Coordinator
Ashley is the event planner and communications coordinator for the Center for Teaching & Learning. She started at CU in 2020. Using her background in English Writing, Rhetoric and Technology, as well as Digital Studies, she is excited to support the mission of improving teaching and learning at CU Boulder. Outside of work, she enjoys working on her blog, " Naviagting Happy ", taking walks with her two dogs, site-seeing...

Student Staff

Emelia photo

Emelia Mantz

Student Assisstant
Emelia is an undergraduate student majoring in information science, minoring in sociology and French. She aspires to be someone people can always go to for assistance and understanding on behalf of the CTL. In her work, Emelia values analyzing data through a sociological lens and aims to positively contribute to her community. She hopes to eventually study abroad in France and loves experiencing various cultures. In her spare time, she...