Specialized Equipment
EVOS 7000

- Outstanding image quality and versatility with a 5-position objective turret, 4-color LED fluorescence and transmitted light channels, and 3.2 MP CMOS color and B/W cameras.Ìý
- Fully automated X/Y scanning stage, autofocus, and acquisition routines.Ìý
- High-speed image acquisition (scanning, Z-stack, and tile-stitch,Ìý2D/3D- deconvolution, visualization, and analysis).Ìý
- Time-lapse live cell imaging (control of temperature, gases, and humidity).Ìý
- Image analysis (cell segmentation and quantification with the optional Cellesteâ„¢ Image Analysis Software).Ìý
- High-quality automated fluorescence imaging.
- Full automation of the precision X/Y-stage movement; changing of the 4 LED fluorescent light cubes, 5-position objective turret, focus, and exposure; and switching of the dual camera.Ìý
- Can program to run well-plate scanning, time-lapse experiments, and tile-stitch/montage area scans in Z-stack and/or time-lapse modes in your vessel of choice.Ìý
- Versatile and highly configurable with a 5-position objective turret and the ability to simultaneously acquire images in four fluorescence channels plus transmitted light.Ìý
- An extensive suite of tools for acquisition, visualization, and analysis.Ìý
- Smart LED illumination technology.Ìý
- Easy to use and reliable!
Olympus IX83

- ÌýFully automated multidimensional observation (X, Y, Z, and time) of live and fixed cells, organoids, embryos, organotypic slices, tissues, etc.
- ÌýZ-stack images.
- Automatic focusing with multiple objective lenses.ÌýTime-lapse acquisitions can easily be created for high-magnification and multipoint observation.
- Bright field, phase contrast, or fluorescence (DAPI, FITC, TRITC).Ìý
- Fast image acquisition and overlay to view samples with multiple fluorescent lenses.Ìý
- Automatically scanning multiple points at regular time intervals provides a steady stream of quantitative data in live cultures and organotypic slices.
Videos: Ìý
IX83: Trans-mesenteric Migration of Enteric Neural Crest Derived Cells (ENCCs)Ìý
IX83: Brain Slice Culture Glia CellÌý
ÌýIX83: Real-time Imaging for Ring1BYFP/YFP MEÌý
ÌýIX83: Synthetic ERK Activity Propagation by a Light-Switchable SystemÌý
ÌýIX83: Light-induced Oscillatory/Sustained Expression of Ascl1 in Neural Progenitor Cells
IX83 Inverted Microscope: Adding Oil to the ObjectiveÌý
IX83 Inverted Microscope: Loading a Sample Slide on the Stage
IX83 Inverted Microscope: Focusing and Positioning the Stage Using the U-MCZ Remote Controller
Olympus CKX53

- Phase-contrast.
- 4x, 10x, 20x, and 40x magnification.
- Bright field, phase contrast, or fluorescence (DAPI, FITC, TRITC).Ìý
- Quickly acquisition and overlapping of images to view samples with multiple fluorescent lenses.Ìý
Olympus Provi-scanner

- ÌýAutomatically scanning multiple points at regular time intervals in culture vessels provides a steady stream of quantitative data about the health and confluency of cultures remotely.
- ÌýNo need toÌýstain or peel the cell cultures to check cell growthÌýstatus.
- ÌýRemotely alert when the culture approach confluency and is ready for passage.
- ÌýEasy storage, reuse, transfer of data, comparison with past results, or data captured under different conditions.
Neon NxT Electroporation System

- ÌýTransfect even the most challenging cell types with high efficiency, cell recovery/viability, and reproducibility.
- Transfect cells quickly with an easy three-step workflow, a single buffer kit, and an intuitive user interface.
- Precisely optimize electroporation parameters for different cell types, cell densities, payloads, and electroporation protocol.
- Minimize sample transfer loss and contamination risk.
- Video:Ìýhttps://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/life-science/cell-culture/transfection/neon-electroporation-system.html?ef_id=Cj0KCQjw6cKiBhD5ARIsAKXUdyY2g2bL7CucWvZRKTsCWMSO7X7p_nt3mjvIpXoPCkueyPdtlvpTx1QaAvUkEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3652!3!652579792520!e!!g!!neon%20electroporation!2058097106!75756882203&cid=bid_clb_tfx_r01_co_cp0000_pjt0000_bid00000_0se_gaw_bt_pur_con&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6cKiBhD5ARIsAKXUdyY2g2bL7CucWvZRKTsCWMSO7X7p_nt3mjvIpXoPCkueyPdtlvpTx1QaAvUkEALw_wcB
Nucleofector 2b Transfection System

- Efficient transfection of hard-to-transfect cell lines and primary cells.
- Easy adjustment and configuration of parameters.
Automated Cell Counter -ÌýCountess II FL and Countess 3

- Highly accurate and precise brightfield and fluorescence cell counting.
- Clump cell count.
- Automatic lighting and focus adjustment for optimal contrast and resolution.
- Automatic saving of cell counts and data.
- The software includes convenient built-in pre-dilution and cell-splitting calculators, especially for stem cell culture work.
- Time to count two samples (sides A and B) ~1 minute
Incubator Orbital Shaker CO2

- ÌýOrganoid growth.
- ÌýPermanent conservation inside an incubator, which allows easy access and assembly.
- ÌýEasy adjustment and configuration of RPM and time.
- ÌýPlates, dishes, and flasks stick to the surface, even when quickly shaken.

UV Sterilizing cabinet

Evos Microscope

- ÌýQuick and easy observation of cell cultures without the need to use eyepieces.Ìý
- ÌýObjectives at 4x, 10x, 20x, and 40x.
- ÌýEasy change of the aperture to adjust the desired viewing conditions.
- ÌýHigh-quality LED display.
- ÌýEasy image acquisition and storage during cell culture work.
Lucetta 2 Luminometer

- Cell proliferation Assay.
- Cytotoxicity Assay.
- Luciferase reporter gene assay.
- Mycoplasma Detection Assay.
ThawSTAR® CFT2 Automated Cell Thawing System

- Thawing Time: Less than three minutes
- Obtain reproducible thawing profiles using a standardized thawing method.
- Eliminate the risk of contamination from water bath-based thawing techniques.
E1-ClipTipÌýBluetoothÌýElectronic Multichannel Pipettes

- Enhanced accuracy and precision.ÌýAutomate daily 96-and 384-well microplate pipetting
- Two operating options (step-based Matrix or Presets with settings for most common applications)
- Storing 30 of theÌýmost common Matrix or Presets protocols with a specific name.Ìý
- Customize theÌýmain menu view by organizing the icons ofÌýpreferred order or creating favorite programs and pipetting functions.
- Connect theÌýpipette to the My Pipette Creator app conveniently via Bluetooth**
- Choose aÌývolume range from 0.5μL to 1250μL:Ìý
- Single channels
- Multichannel with 8, 12, or 16 channels in 96 and 384 formats
- Adjustable tip spacing multichannel with 6, 8, and 12 channels in 96 and 384 formats.
Thermo Fisher Scientific HERAcell Vios 160i incubators
- ÌýRemote temperature and CO2 levels monitoring ensureÌýan optimal culture environment for cell cultures (normoxic and hypoxic conditions).
- ÌýCopper interiors provide an antimicrobial surface to avoid contamination and cell death.
- ÌýNormoxic or Hypoxic Conditions.
Biosafety cabinets with or without lab supplies and someÌýconsumables.
For questions about lab equipment,ÌýpleaseÌýcontact the Center!