CEES Faculty
Steering Committee
-John O’Loughlin (Geography)
-Laura Osterman (GSLL)
-David Shneer (Jewish Studies)
-Davide Similli (GSLL)
-Sarah Sokhey (Political Science)
The faculty members listed here teach classes that apply to the certificate and are associated with the certificate.
House of the Blackheads, Riga, Latvia (Photo by David Iliff)
Affiliated Faculty
- Patrick Greaney (GSLL)
- David Gross (History)
- John Hatch (History)
- Vicki Hendrickson Grove (GSLL)
- Arne Höcker (GSLL)
- Elena Kostoglodova (GSLL)
- Mark Leiderman (GSLL)
- Tatiana Mikhailova (GSLL)
- John O'Loughlin (Geography)
- Laura OstermanÌý(GSLL)(Director)
- Tom Roberts (GSLL)
- Artemi Romanov (GSLL)
- Ann Schmiesing Ìý(GSLL)
- Sasha SenderovichÌý(Jewish Studies/GSLL)
- David Shneer (History)
- Sara Sokhey (Political Science)
- Davide Stimilli (GSLL)
- Nancy Vavra (History)
- Beverly Weber (GSLL)