

Before taking graduate courses the following minimum undergraduate course requirements must be satisfied:

Mathematic and calculus courses through differential equations and linear algebra. Statics, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, geotechnical engineering, structural analysis.


Graduate level courses in construction engineering and management include:

CVEN 5206 (3 credits). Design Development.
Investigates the interrelationship between design decisions and building costs, and the impact of each major building system and building trade on project budgets, and schedules. Gives students the opportunity to prepare technical, marketing, and financial packages for investors as well as regulatory and financial institutions. Culminates with detailed presentations of student-developed project prospectuses.

CVEN 5216 (3 credits). Applied Construction Financial Management. 
Interpreting commonly used financial reports in the construction engineering industry sector will be explored. Skills developed in this course will prepare students to become competent consumers of financial information. Students will develop cash flow models for a construction project, forecasting the impacts of the construction plan.

CVEN 5226 (3 credits). Quality and Safety. 
Comprehensively studies quality and safety in the construction industry. Statistical techniques for quality assurance and control will be reviewed and applied on active construction projects. The course also extensively focuses on advanced safety management issues such as accident causation theory, economic modeling, safety risk quantification and analysis, design for safety, and emerging technologies. Skills developed in this course will prepare graduate students to be effective quality and safety managers on dynamic and complex projects.

CVEN 5246 (3 credits). Legal Aspects of Construction. 
Applies law in engineering practice; contracts, construction contract documents, construction specification writing, agency, partnership, and property; types of construction contracts; and legal responsibilities and ethical requirements of the professional engineer. Prerequisite: graduate standing or instructor consent.

CVEN 5276 (3 credits). Engineering Risk and Decision Analysis. 
Acquaints students with the fundamental principles and techniques of risk and decision analysis. Oriented toward project-level decisions in which risk or uncertainty plays a central role. Introduces students to Monte Carlo analyses, influence diagrams, and various types of multi-criteria decision analyses. Culminates in a larger term project.

CVEN 5286 (3 credits). Design Construction Operations. 
Considers topics associated with the effective and efficient design of construction operations. Topics include construction productivity measurement systems, methods improvement, and short interval scheduling. Introduces and applies several computer-based simulation techniques to real-world problems. Concludes with a discussion of quality control and quality assurance emphasizing statistical QC procedures.

CVEN 5336 (3 credits). Construction Project Delivery.
Analysis of construction project delivery, including traditional, design-build, construction management, and multiple prime contractors. Related contractual issues and associated financing are also covered. Focuses on the owner’s role in the construction process.

CVEN 5386 (3 Credits). Special Topics: Managing Project Organizations.
Provides an overview of management concepts and their applications in today’s engineering and construction organizations.  Case studies and discussions explore topics including organizational structure and design, strategic analysis, leadership, globalization, and corporate responsibility.

CVEN 5836 (1-3 credits). Special Topics for Seniors/Grads. 
Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

Complementary graduate courses are also available through the University’s Engineering Management program.