Department History

Civil engineering was one of two engineering majors offered in 1893 when the School of Applied Science was first established as part of the University of Colorado. Architectural engineering was established in 1925, awarded its first degree in 1929 and has been continuously accredited since 1936. The department has since grown to encompass civil, environmental and architectural engineering.

2020-2021 Academic Year Statistics

    Our Faculty­

    • We have 46 tenured and tenure-track faculty members; eight full-time instructors; and two research faculty members.
    • Six faculty have received the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER award.
    • Four faculty (one emeritus) have been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. 
    • Faculty brought in 83 research grants, totaling $10.3 million, in the most recent fiscal year.

    Our Students Â­

    • We have more than 150 undergraduate students majoring in architectural engineering, 250 in civil engineering and 240 in environmental engineering.
    • We have more than 130 students pursuing a master’s degree and 110 pursuing a PhD in civil, environmental and architectural engineering.
    • More enrollment statistics are available on the