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The South, Southeast, and West Asia (SSEWA) Outreach Program provides educational enrichment and professional development opportunities for K-12 and community college educators throughout the academic year and summer. These include a series of Saturday courses and a summer workshop to raise educators’ proficiency and confidence in teaching about SSEWA issues and topics.

We also have Asia-related events from different disciplinary and regional perspectives occurring throughout the academic year, including the CAS Speaker Series (/cas/event-list). You can find this year's Annual Theme for events here.

An online database of curriculum materials and resources is also being developed to advance understanding of SSEWA regional issues for both academic and public audiences.

The SSEWA Outreach Program is funded by a four-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center Program (NRC). Read more about the grant here: /asmagazine/2022/08/17/center-asian-studies-wins-22-million-help-make-asia-accessible-coloradans

For inquiries about the SSEWA Outreach Program, contact the SSEWA Outreach Coordinator at

Teaching materials on several versions of the Ramayana were designed as an entry into the study and tradition of the Ramayana story, which continues to influence the politics, religion, and art of modern India. Professor Susan S. Wadley of Syracuse University designed and led this seminar.

Teaching about Art and Composite Culture in South Asia is an interdisciplinary “learning through visual analysis” teaching material designed by the University of California Berkeley Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS).

Recommended K-12 Books on Southeast Asian culture and representation. Compiled by the Southeast Asia Center staff of the University of Washington, the list includes “national literature” suggested reading for teachers interested in understanding national cultures.

Freeman Book Award 2022 winners include Southeast Asian titles for children and middle school readers: “Nana, Nenek & Nina” by Liza Ferneyhough, “Operation Pangolin: Saving the World’s Only Scaled Mammal” by Suzi Eszterhas, and “Berani” by Michelle Kadarusman.

Thinking Historically and Teaching Globally. Speakers talk about using primary sources and online materials in teaching, including digital archives on Southeast Asia at Cornell University and Asian and other collections at the Library of Congress for World History. This online workshop was held on November 8, 2022, sponsored by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, with funding support from the U.S. Department of Education Title VI NRC Program.