Business Minor Curriculum
The Business Minor is a 4-course/12-credit program designed to supplement any major at CU Boulder, and can be completed in as little as two semesters. The curriculum consists of foundational classes in Marketing, Management, Accounting and Finance, followed by a choice between six “track” options: Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Business Analytics, Business Leadership, Global Business,Real Estate and Business Sustainability. The Minor concludes with a real-world-relevant business plan development course and business competition.
Program Requirements
Foundation Courses (6 credits)
- Marketing & Management
(BUSM 2010 & 2011, 3 credits) - Accounting & Finance
(BUSM 2020 & 2021, 3 credits)
The above courses are co-taught, which is why they are 1.5 credit co-requisites. Marketing must be taken with Management, and Accounting must be taken with Finance.
Track Courses (3 credits)
- Product Development I & II (BUSM 3010 & 3011)
- Business Analytics I & II (BUSM 3020 & 3021)
- Business Leadership (BUSM 3031)
- Global Business (BUSM 3040)
- Real Estate (BUSM 3050)
- Business Sustainability (BUSM 3060) New S23!
Students must complete one of the above 3-credit options, but may pursue more if desired.The Global Business track is only offered during Maymester and takes place abroad. Additional fees apply; contact for details.
Capstone Course (3 credits)
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation (BUSM 4010)
Local community leaders and entrepreneurs judge final presentations and a cash prize is awarded to the most thought out business plan. Recognition Ceremony that follows includes a keynote speaker, presentation of Business Minor graduates and acatered reception open to parents and faculty. (Spring event is in person, Fall event is virtual.)

Dr. Keith Stockton, Business Plan Competition ‘18
Everyone who teaches in the Business Minor just loves it because they’re in a classroom with students from such a variety of backgrounds – the cognitive diversity creates a really exciting dynamic where everyone benefits from each other.
- Dr. Heather Adams, Business Minor Faculty Director & Teaching Associate Professor