Spring CoursesSpring Courses Spring Courses ATOC 1050 Weather and the Atmosphere ATOC 1060 Our Changing Environment ATOC 1070 Weather the Atmosphere LAB ATOC 2050 Intro to Atmospheric Research ATOC 3050 Principles of Weather ATOC 3070 Intro to Oceanographyoffered by the Department of Geological Sciences ATOC 3180 Aviation Meteorologyoffered in even numbered years ATOC 3300 Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations ATOC 3600 Principles of Climateoffered by the Department of Geography ATOC 3720 Planets and Their Atmospheresoffered by the Department of Astrophysical & Planertary Sciences ATOC 4200/5200 Biogeochemical Oceanography ATOC 4215 Descriptive Physical Oceanography ATOC 4500 Special Topics - Upper DivisionAcquaints students at the upper division level with current research in atmospheres, oceans, and climate. Topics may vary each semester. ATOC 4700 Weather Analysis & Forecasting ATOC 4720 Intro to Atmospheric Dynamics ATOC 4740 Dynamics of Past Climate Changes: Lessons for the Futurecurrently offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topics ATOC 4770/5770 Renewable Energy Meterology ATOC 4800 Policy Implications of Climate Controversies ATOC 4830 Remote Sensing LAB ATOC 4860 Data Science LAB ATOC 4880/5880 Mesoscale Meteorologyoffered in odd numbered years ATOC 5000 Critical Issues in Climate and the Environment ATOC 5060 Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Oceans ATOC 5235 Intro to Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing ATOC 5600 Clouds and Aerosols ATOC 5860 Objective Data AnalysisFor Undergraduate StudentsMajorMinorGen Ed RequirementsIntroductory Course Learning GoalsUndergraduate Research OpportunitiesProfessional DevelopmentStudy Abroad OpportunitiesFor Prospective Graduate StudentsGraduate Certificate ProgramsCertificate in Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesCertificate in OceanographyFor Current Graduate StudentsCoursesFall CoursesSpring CoursesSpring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Classroom DemosData-Driven Learning LibraryConduct & ReportingStudent's CornerAcademic FAQGrader/Exam Proctor