
A tenured faculty member shall become eligible after six years (12 semesters) of service to the University (i.e., in the seventh year). Faculty must be tenured before taking a sabbatical, but time served prior to receipt of tenure counts toward the 12 required semesters of service. In academic year 2020-2021, this policy was updated, and the College of Arts and Sciences will now count time on sabbatical as service for a subsequent sabbatical. 

  • Periods of paid leave (i.e., sick leave, parental leave, fellowships, etc.) and time served at the university prior to receipt of tenure, do count toward the 12 semesters. 
    • Absences taken as leaves without pay do not count toward the 12 semester requirement.  
  • A tenured faculty member on a (minimum 50%) part-time appointment shall become eligible after six years of part-time service to the university on a prorated basis. In order to be eligible for a subsequent sabbatical, a faculty member must serve part-time for six more years and also must demonstrate that they substantially met the academic goals stated in their previous sabbatical plan. 

In the event that two or more members of a department simultaneously become eligible for sabbatical assignments, and it becomes necessary to limit the number of sabbaticals in the department, the order of succession shall be determined by agreement within the department. Priority will be based upon the quality of the sabbatical plan, its immediate relevance to departmental goals, and the length of time since the last sabbatical. The Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will have the power to resolve special problems of eligibility. 

  • Eligible faculty members seeking approval for a sabbatical must submit a specific plan for utilizing the sabbatical, which must be approved.  
  • During the first semester after returning to regular duties, the faculty member must file, with the dean, a substantive report of their work and accomplishments during the sabbatical. 

In accepting a sabbatical assignment, the faculty member shall agree to return to the university for at least one year thereafter. In case the faculty member is responsible for terminating their connection with the university within the period of one year after expiration of the sabbatical, the individual shall refund the sabbatical remuneration to the university on a prorated basis, except in exceptional circumstances, including permanent disability or death, wherein neither the individual nor the heirs shall be obligated to refund any part of the amount paid while on sabbatical. 

NOTE: Applications for Sabbatical Leave must be approved by the Board of Regents prior to the start date of the sabbatical. 



Sabbatical Application Process Overview

A&S Personnel Calendar


Updated 10 September 2024