Permanent Outside Appointment

Leave of Absence to Accept an Appointment at Another Institution (Tenured Faculty Only) 

To enact an MOU for this purpose, all of the requirements below must be met: 

The College of Arts and Sciences does not allow for an unpaid leave to accept a permanent appointment at another institution. In these cases, the faculty member is required to resign from their Tenure Track appointment and request an MOU to return, typically within one year of the resignation.  

The following stipulations are required: 

  • A vote of the faculty in the department to approve the MOU. 
  • The department must agree that it cannot ask for a replacement of the faculty member while the MOU is in force. 
  • The faculty member requesting the MOU, the Chair of the Department, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Vice Chancellor of Faculty Affairs must sign the MOU. 
  • Faculty member must submit a resignation letter from the University. 

Procedures for Requesting Other Leave 

  • Once contacted by the faculty member, CAS Faculty Affairs will request the following information: 
    • Chair’s name and email address (if rostered to more than one department, information for both chairs is required); 
    • Director’s name and email address (if rostered in an institute or museum); 
    • Dates of leave request (either an entire semester or specific dates during a semester); and 
      • Faculty who are rostered or tenured in multiple units must request leave from both units. 
    • A justification for the requested leave 
  • The department where the faculty member is holds tenure drafts the MOU and submits it to CAS Faculty Affairs for review.  
  • The Faculty member submits their letter of resignation to their Chair and CAS Faculty Affairs. 
  • CAS Faculty Affairs routes MOU and Letter of Resignation for signature. 
  • A copy of the final, approved documents are submitted by the power form to the following: 
    • Unit(s), 
    • Boulder Campus Human Resources Service Center (HRSC) Coordinators, and  
    • College of Arts and Sciences Budget Office 


Reviewed 3/24/2023