Bob Easton
Professor Emeritus

Room number:ECOT 215

University of Wisconsin, B.S. June 1963
University of Wisconsin, M.S. January 1965
University of Wisconsin, Ph.D. August 1967
THESIS ADVISOR:Charles C. Conley
THESIS TITLE:On the existence of invariant sets inside a submanifold convex to a flow.
  • Research Associate, BrownUniversity,Division of Applied Mathematics,1967-1968
  • Assistant Professor, Brown University,Division of Applied Mathematics,1968-1972
  • Visiting Assistant Professor,University of Colorado,1972-1973
  • Associate Professor,University of Colorado,1973-1979
  • Professor,University of Colorado, 1979-2001
  • Emeritus Professor, Universityof Colorado, 2001- Present
My research interests are in dynamical systems,, statistics, macro economics, and environmental economics. I explained some of my ideas concerning dynamics in the book Geometric Methods for Discrede Dynamical Systems published by Oxford University Press 1998.

For the past several years I have been studying economics. First I read N. Gregory Mankiw’s elementary text “Principles of Macroeconomics”. After reading several elementary texts and popular accounts I began to build my own model economy, and eventually lectured about the model at the Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference at the University of Michigan. Carl Simon, who teaches mathematical economics at Michigan was in the audience and he told me what I was doing had already been done, and that I should read some graduate economics texts.

My next step was to attend Martin Boileau’s graduate course in macroeconomics at the University of Colorado (fall 2005) using David Romer’s “Advanced Macroeconomics” text. Next I attended Anna Rubinchik’s advanced graduate course in microeconomics using “Microeconomic Theory” by Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green. In 2006-2007 I audited courses in international macroeconomics using “Foundations of International Macroeconomics” by Obstfeld and Rogoff, and a course in international trade by James Markusen using his lecture notes. In 2007-2008 I attended the graduate environmental economics courses taught in the fall by Nick Flores and in the spring by Randy Walsh. I also attended an econometrics class taught by Don Waldman using the text “Econometric Analysis” by W. H. Greene. In the fall 2013 I audited nonparametric statistics taught by Carlos Martins-Filho.