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Welcome Assistant Professor, Nancy Rodriguez!

NancyRodriguezwas recently hired as an Assistant Professor in the Applied Mathematics department- this semester is her first semester here. Rodriguezhas an impressiveeducationalbackground; she attended graduate school at UCLA, did postdoctoral work at Standford, and was previously an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at UNC Chapel Hill. Presently, Rodriguezis interested in researching the use of “PDE models to untangle the factors leading to various phenomena in ecology and sociology.”Rodriguezenjoys how the partial differential equations that arise from modeling such phenomena not only offer information about the systems being modeled, but also involve “beautiful theory.”

She is currently teaching a Graduate Applied Analysis course and enjoys how motivated her students are.Rodriguezfeels it’s important forall students to attend “office hours, ask questions, [and] learn some computational skills and some analysis regardless of” major or feild of interest.In addition to teaching, Rodriguezhopes to “build a research group which encompasses many interests includingmathematical modeling, numerical analysis of solutions, theoretical analysis of solutions, and model verification with data incorporation.”She also hopes to “develop a network for such studentsin order tohelp foster their success.”

She was drawn to CU Boulder becauseourApplied Mathematicsdepartment“is a great department in the best location to do outdoor activity.” Rodriguezenjoysmanyoutdoor activities including biking, running, hiking, skiing, tennis, etc.

If you would like to learn more about Dr.Rodriguez, check out her Profile in Applied Mathematics.