Dan Baker

Daniel N. Baker

National Academy Member
Director, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), UCB
Webster Cash

Webster Cash

Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR)
Nikolaus Correll

Nikolaus Correll

Associate Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES

Harvey Gates

Associate Professor Adjunct
Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV)
Peter Hamlington

Peter Hamlington

Associate Professor - Courtesy Appointment in Smead Aerospace
John Hauser

John Hauser

Associate Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES
Christoffer Heckman

Christoffer Heckman

Assistant Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES
Sean Humbert

J. Sean Humbert

Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES

Daniel Kubitschek

Lecturer • Professional Research Assistant
Laboratory for Atmospherics and Space Physics (LASP)
Michael McGrath

Michael McGrath

Professor Adjunct LASP
Laboratory for Atmospherics and Space Physics (LASP)
Lucy Pao

Lucy Pao

Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES
Zoya Popovic

Zoya Popovic

Distinguished Professor - Courtesy Appointment in Smead Aerospace • National Academy Member
Massimo Ruzzene

Massimo Ruzzene

Professor - Courtesy Appointment in AES

Howard Singer

Professor Adjunct & Chief Scientist NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
Philippe Spalart

Philippe Spalart

Adjoint Professor • National Academy Member
Evan Thomas

Evan Thomas

Director, Mortenson Center • Mortenson Endowed Chair in Global Engineering • Associate Professor
Luis Zea

Luis Zea

Professor Adjunct
BioServe Space Technologies