News Headlines
- One popular theory suggests that elementary particles like electrons, which make up everything in the universe, could be infinitely small—you could zoom in and in on them and never see anything.
- New research shows that women who hit menopause later in life have healthier blood vessels and are less likely to have strokes and heart attacks in their postmenopausal years.
- Last year, CU Boulder helped to launch a record 35 new companies. These businesses are pioneering new technologies from sensors for monitoring soil health to breathalyzers that can sniff out signs of lung cancer.
- A new quantum incubator coming to Colorado will provide private companies with a testbed to transform ideas for quantum technologies into products that will benefit consumers in the Mountain West and beyond.
- Biologist Jingchun Li shares her research in marine animals and the unique ways they illuminate the sea.
- Professor Emeritus Marc Bekoff shares his decades of research on the emotional lives of animals and how it could influence wildlife management.
- Dust storms on Mars could one day pose dangers to human astronauts, damaging equipment and burying solar panels. New research gets closer to predicting when extreme weather might erupt on the Red Planet.
- Being awake when your body thinks you should be sleeping can make you more susceptible to viruses, make your wounds heal more slowly and promote weight gain. And don't even think about driving the day after an all-nighter.
- Scientists demonstrate how a series of extreme weather events could lead to the Arctic’s first ice-free day within just a few years.
- CU Boulder graduate student Dezell Turner has borrowed inspiration from his favorite sci-fi films to design an augmented reality tool that could one day help aerospace companies plan their routes from Earth to the moon.