TQF Rubric

The Teaching Quality Framework Rubric is a tool for considering different dimensions of quality teaching and what various levels of proficiency in each of those dimensions may look like. The dimensions of quality teaching presented here (Goals, Content, & Alignment; Preparation for Teaching; Methods & Teaching Practices; Presentation & Student Interaction; Sutdent Outcomes; Mentorship & Advising; and Reflection, Development, & Teaching Service/Scholarship) are founded on the scholarship on teaching and teaching evaluation, and in particular are adapted from the work of Glassick, Huber, and Maeroff, 1997 and that of Follmer Greenhoot, Ward, and Bernstein, 2017.Ìý Within these dimensions are various criteria that can be used to gauge and support growth inÌýteaching proficiency.ÌýThe TQF rubric is meant to provide departments with a scholarly approach that takes in consideration the development of teaching quality of faculty members over time, and therefore can be used for formal processes such as reappointment, promotion, and tenure evaluation.Ìý

  • Full assessment version of the TQF Rubric (July 2022; pdf opens in new window; Word downloads a docx).ÌýThisÌýexample rubric-based approach to evaluating teachingÌýone possible way a scholarly framework (in this case the 2 page version of the rubric found below) can be adapted into a tool for evaluating teaching in a primary unit.
  • TQF DEIB Supplement to the Rubric (Updated July 2022; pdf opens in new window; WordÌýdownloads a docx). This supplementÌýpulls out and showcases the DEIB specific criteriaÌýfromÌýthe full assessment rubric above. This supplement alsoÌýincludes DEIB references and resources (DEIB =Ìýdrawing fromÌýDiverse perspectives, engaging in Equitable and Inclusive practices, and fostering students’ sense of B±ð±ô´Ç²Ô²µ¾±²Ô²µ).ÌýÌý
  • 2 page framework version of the TQF Rubric (Updated October 2020; pdf opens in new window; WordÌýdownloads a docx). This condensed version is organized into fourÌýlevels that build from basic toward advanced proficiency in teaching. It isÌýintended to be used as an entry point into the TQF framework representingÌýtheÌýseven dimensions of teaching quality.
  • TQF Rubric Mapping ToolÌý(October 2020; pdf opens in new window; Word downloads a docx). AÌýguide to help departments / individuals connect sources of evidence that can be used in teaching evaluation to the seven dimensions of quality teaching outlined in theÌý2 page framework version of theÌýTQF Rubric above.

Please note we will periodically replace the aboveÌýfiles as revisions are made. If you share the TQF Rubric(s), we ask that you share the link toÌýthis webpageÌýrather than to the file itself.Ìý

Questions or feedback on this rubric can be directed to Noah Finkelstein at finkelsn@colorado.edu or Cynthia Hampton at cynthia.hampton@colorado.edu.ÌýÌý