Colorado Engineer

Spring 2019: The 'Startup' Issue

Publishing Since 1904


Tyler Cagle and Reese Barracks stand in front of the CU engineering building

Drivewayz: Parking Made Easy

Senior Tyler Cagle takes on parking shortage problems in Boulder and other densely populated cities with his new app, Drivewayz Nikki Edwards | Photos By Elliot Whitehead When traveling to a densely populated city, one may find themselves driving row after row,street after street—in search of a parking spot. Whether...

Three podcast students sitting at table

Students & Startups

The new podcast seeks to discuss entrepreneurial success stories of CU alumni Anna Pyle | Photos Courtesy of Rachel Sharpe The Innovation Action Team at CU, formed in 2017, serves as a group of role models in entrepreneurial and innovative efforts among the student body. Members strive to combine innovation...

Student Profile

Anit Koirala standing in front of ocean cliffside


Civil Engineering Senior Anit Koirala strives to become an engineer to serve underrepresented communities Amy Santoso | Photos Courtesy of Anit Koirala A refugee camp is a temporary settlement for people forced to relocate due to violence and persecution. Anit Koirala was originally from one of these refugee camps in...


Two students are awarded boxing gloves in boxing ring

Boxing: The Original Greek Training Regimen For Body & Mind

Professor Murray Cox leads a boxing freshman seminar to teach students discipline and time management Israel Miles | Photos Courtesy of Alec Tung The fall semester of Freshman year is often remembered as one replete with stimulus overload. I personally remember being overwhelmed by academic and athletic clubs, new friends,...

Student looking into microscope

Granted Hands-On Experience

The Colorado Space Grant Consortium offers CU students the opportunity to develop skills for the workforce of tomorrow Skylar Edwards | Photos by Elliot Whitehead Headquartered at CU Boulder is the Colorado Space Grant Consortium, an organization that provides students access to space through innovative courses, hands-on projects and interactive...

Wooden tower at seismic design conference

Shaking It Up With Seismic Design Team

The Seismic Design Team put their latest balsa wood structure to the test at the annual Earthquake Engineering Research Institute conference David Balcells & Michael Nietes | Photos Courtesy of Seismic Design Team Every year the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) hosts a conference where members of industry, students, and...


Ahmed Mansoor

CU Alumnus Sentenced 10 Years In UAE Prison

Human Rights Activist and CU Alumni Ahmed Mansoor was sentenced to 10 years in United Arab Emirates prison for his social media posts about UAE government reform GABI & NIKKI EDWARDS On May 29, 2018, CU Alumni Ahmed Mansoor was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The State Security Chamber...

The Herbst Column

Yuval Harari’s Lessons for 21st Century Engineers: A Short Review of 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (Penguin Random House, 2018) PAUL DIDUCH | HERBST TEACHING FACULTY Yuval Harari’s 21 Lessons for the 21st Century is not a great book. All told, it is a decidedly mixed read. What Harari...

Entrepreneur Essentials

Computer Science majors start a company from scratch in their fast-paced senior capstone class, Startup Essentials Israel Miles Senior year in the school of engineering can be full of great risk and great reward. Many senior projects involve partnering with local companies to take academic knowledge and test it against...