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How to be a good neighbor

We all play a role in keeping each other and our community safe, and creating a positive and welcoming environment. Here are some safety tips and reminders about how to be a good neighbor.

Connect with your neighbors

Remember that your neighbors may be a combination of other students, community members and families with different schedules than your own. Here are some things you can do to be a good neighbor:

  • If you haven't already, introduce yourself either in person or in writing.
  • Share your contact information so your neighbors can easily contact you if they have concerns. Off-Campus Housing and Neighborhood Relations has a free printable contact card template as part of their move-in resources.
  • If you plan to have friends over, talk with your roommates about who will be invited, how you will monitor noise levels and what you will do if too many people show up.
  • Let your neighbors know ahead of time if you plan to have a social gathering that could cause noise or other disruptions.
  • Be considerate of your noise levels, especially in the evening and late at night and if you are gathering outside.

Be aware of Boulder ordinances

Make sure you know about Boulder ordinances and common issues that may come up when living off-campus: 

  • Fireworks: The use and possession of fireworks in Boulder is illegal. This includes sparklers, snaps, snakes, bottle rockets, roman candles and smoke bombs. You can also be held responsible for fireworks used by your roommates and guests.
  • Littering: Keep your neighborhood clean and reduce your impact on the environment and local wildlife by picking up your trash. Clean up immediately after any gatherings to avoid trash-related citations or visits from bears. Be sure to secure your trash on your property either in bear-proof containers or inside. Make sure to properly dispose of trash in trash or recycling bins even when not on your property.
  • Outdoor furniture restriction: In the University Hill area, it is prohibited to keep any upholstered indoor furniture, including chairs, couches and mattresses, from being kept or stored outside in any porch, front or side yard, or any back yard not on an alley.
  • Noise: There are many noise-related ordinances in the City of Boulder that, if violated, can result in expensive tickets. Keep your neighbors in mind if you plan to have guests or music playing outside and closely monitor noise levels after 11 p.m. to avoid an “Unreasonable Noise” ticket.
  • Clean up after pets: Make sure to always clean up after pets on your property, in your neighborhood and in any park or other public space.

More resources for living off-campus can be found on the Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations website.