Diversity and Inclusion Summit /staffcouncil/ en IDEA Council Update /staffcouncil/2020/10/20/idea-council-update IDEA Council Update Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/20/2020 - 15:36 Categories: Be informed. Tags: 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Summit Inclusive Excellence

The Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan is the campus’ blueprint for diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and outlines 3 key areas of impact: Climate, Infrastructure and Leadership. Designated by campus leaders, the 26-member IDEA Council has begun their work of prioritizing the recommendations outlined in the IDEA Plan.

Led by co-chairs Teresa Hernandez and Lisa Flores, the full council began meeting monthly in September 2020 and will spend the next few months gathering data and focusing on student, staff and faculty recruitment and retention. During this time, subcommittees will identify gaps and areas where the campus can improve its recruitment and retention efforts.

Watch out for updates from the IDEA Council in CU Boulder Today and be sure to reach out to your unit council representative to ask how you can be a part of the change you want to see.  



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Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:36:47 +0000 Anonymous 1401 at /staffcouncil
CU Diversity Summit - November 10th /staffcouncil/2020/10/20/cu-diversity-summit-november-10th CU Diversity Summit - November 10th Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/20/2020 - 15:00 Categories: Be engaged. Tags: 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Summit Inclusive Excellence

CU Boulder’s work towards a more inclusive, diverse and equitable environment is always situated within the broader context of our society. We are linked to the social climate of our campus, region, state and nation. The sessions in this year’s remote Diversity Summit will explore the multiple intersecting events impacting our immediate community, which in turn affect  our broader communities.

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we learn, teach and work, and has altered the ways we create inclusive communities while physically separated. This has deepened the meanings of resilience and service. With this in mind, staff are invited to virtually attend the Fall 2020 Diversity Summit and extend the conversation around the summit theme to build awareness, foster community and connections; and to equip participants with actionable ideas and strategies to move our campus to one where inclusion is central to our identity.

The Diversity and Inclusion Summit is free and open to all CU Boulder staff.  

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020 Schedule:

Featuring the Ivalas Quartet 2020 Festival Fellows performance of George Walker’s “Lyric for Strings,” available for streaming throughout the day.

9:00am to 10:15am
“Cultivating Inclusion in the Classroom: Practices that Make a Difference” with moderator Vice Provost Michele Moses and panelists Dr. Susan Jurow from the School of Education, Dr. Donna Meija from Theatre and Dance, Dr. Reiland Rabaka from Ethnic Studies, and Dr. Becca Ciancanelli from the Center for Teaching and Learning

11:00am to 12:15pm
“Anti-Asian Racism, COVID-19, and Anti-Racism Work” with Dr. Jennifer Ho from the Center for Humanities & the Arts and Ethnic Studies and Linds Roberts from University Libraries

1:00pm to 2:15pm
“Discussion on our Campus One Read, So You Want to Talk 鶹Ƶ Race” with moderators Kalyani Fernando and Amanda Rybin Koob from the University Libraries and panelists from the Black Student Alliance, Dr. Sam Flaxman from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Amy Moreno from Engineering and Applied Science

6:00pm to 7:15pm
Stories and presentation:
“Heartwork: Finding Your Fire” with Tanaya Winder from CU Boulder Upward Bound

Look for more information soon. Please contact odece@colorado.edu if you have any questions.

CU Boulder’s work towards a more inclusive, diverse and equitable environment is always situated within the broader context of our society. The sessions in this year’s remote Diversity Summit will explore the multiple intersecting events impacting our immediate community, which in turn affect our broader communities.


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Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:00:49 +0000 Anonymous 1399 at /staffcouncil
Spring Diversity Summit - Intentionality: Humanity in Action /staffcouncil/2020/01/29/spring-diversity-summit-intentionality-humanity-action Spring Diversity Summit - Intentionality: Humanity in Action Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 01/29/2020 - 11:09 Categories: Be engaged. Tags: 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Summit Inclusive Excellence

The Diversity and Inclusion Summit is a free multi-day event open to the CU Boulder community and city of Boulder personnel. One of the campus' longest-running events, the upcoming event on Tuesday, February 25th at the UMC marks the 30th Diversity and Inclusion Summit.  

The spring Summit theme is Intentionality: Humanity in Action and will address how we move from merely talking about diversity and inclusion to how we model behaviors and practices that produce real change for all of us.

CU Boulder will welcome Kali Fajardo-Anstine, the author of the Campus One Read book, Sabrina & Corina: Stories. Her critically acclaimed collection of short stories, set in Colorado, lean into themes of race, feminism, queerness and class, and explore societal injustice.  

ODECE and the Summit planning committee have partnered with the University Libraries to extend Fajardo-Anstine’s work in additional sessions throughout the day, including a panel on gentrification’s impact on Colorado communities and a map exhibit showcasing historic views of Denver and Boulder. To learn more about these sessions, visit the Libraries webpage.

of Sabrina & Corina: Stories are available for the campus community. To learn more, visit the ODECE website.



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Wed, 29 Jan 2020 18:09:46 +0000 Anonymous 1147 at /staffcouncil
2020 Spring Diversity Summit /staffcouncil/2020/01/17/2020-spring-diversity-summit 2020 Spring Diversity Summit Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/17/2020 - 11:01 Categories: Be engaged. Tags: 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Summit Inclusive Excellence

The theme of the upcoming summit is Intentionality: Humanity in Action to be held on Tuesday, February 25 in the Glenn Miller Ballrooms. The opening presentation will be given my , the author of Sabrina & Corina, our Campus One Read. CU Boulder Libraries have developed special summit sessions to compliment the author’s presentation and compel participants to dive deeper into some of the books themes. There will also be a pop-up map exhibit that invites viewers to appreciate the significance of place along the Front Range and in Colorado.  

The goal of the summit is to move from merely talking about diversity and inclusion to modeling behaviors and practices that allow us to return to the heart of who our work impacts -- people. Intentionality is about what you do and how you do it.

If you are interested in submitting a summit session, please visit the Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement session submission page.  Be a part of the change that makes excellence inclusive at CU Boulder.


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Fri, 17 Jan 2020 18:01:52 +0000 Anonymous 1119 at /staffcouncil
Diversity Summit: Tues. & Wed., Nov. 12 & 13, 2019 /staffcouncil/2019/09/30/diversity-summit-tues-wed-nov-12-13-2019 Diversity Summit: Tues. & Wed., Nov. 12 & 13, 2019 Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 09/30/2019 - 13:54 Categories: Be engaged. Tags: 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Summit Inclusive Excellence

Save the date and participate in the campus-wide One Read.

A "One Read" offers participants an opportunity to read a common book and engage in a community-wide discussion on its subject matter. This year’s Diversity and Inclusion Summit One Read offers CU Boulder staff an outstanding opportunity to become immersed through the power of story-telling into the cultural experience of local author . Several copies of Fajardo-Anstine’s book, are now available at Norlin Library. The Kirkus Review of Fajardo-Anstine’s debut collection of short stories notes, “Fajardo-Anstine takes aim at our country's social injustices and ills without succumbing to pessimism. The result is a nearly perfect collection of stories that is emotionally wrenching but never without glimmers of resistance and hope.” Sabrina & Corina was selected by the Diversity Summit Planning Committee to expand and deepen awareness of identity and belonging. For more information about the summit and the theme visit ODECE’s website.

Interested in Making Excellence Inclusive?

Think about the times you might have witnessed a microaggression, a thinly-veiled derogatory comment against yourself or someone else regarding innate factors of personal identity. Did this happen in the office... on a public bus... or in a classroom or on campus? When it happened, did you speak up? Did you feel equipped to respond in the situation? Do you ever get to debrief about these kinds of interactions, or discuss what might have been done differently?
Individuals across our CU Boulder community who are interested in making excellence inclusive are invited to attend ODECE's open Inclusive Communities of Practice (ICoP) sessions, where exploring microaggressions is just one topic.. These 90-minute meetings are organized around a topic related to diversity, inclusion, equity, social justice, and human interaction. These conversations are meant to be “brave spaces” where faculty, staff and students can talk honestly about areas of concern and practice techniques for making excellence inclusive in your everyday experiences. Two sessions are held each month in CASE W313 from 10:30-noon. For more info visit the ICoP page.


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Mon, 30 Sep 2019 19:54:15 +0000 Anonymous 1019 at /staffcouncil
CU Community Invited to Diversity Summit February 12th /staffcouncil/2019/01/23/cu-community-invited-diversity-summit-february-12th CU Community Invited to Diversity Summit February 12th Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 01/23/2019 - 11:42 Tags: 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Summit

Continuing the theme “Intent vs. Impact: Improving Inclusive Interactions,” the 2019 Spring Diversity Summit will be held on Tuesday, February 12th in the UMC. Learn more about upcoming Summit at the ODECE website

Don’t just participate in Summits; help plan them! We need and appreciate your unique skills and talents. Contact ODECE’s Nola.Salisbury@colorado.edu or Staff Council members Deborah.Prestianni@colorado.edu or Betty.Rasmussen@colorado.edu to find out how to get involved at the planning stages. 

No te limites a participar en las cumbres; ayuda a planificarlos! Necesitamos y apreciamos sus habilidades y talentos únicos. Comuníquese con Nola.Salisbury@colorado.edu de ODECE, o con un miembro del Consejo de Personal (Deborah.Prestianni@colorado.edu) para averiguar cómo participar en las etapas de planificación.


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Wed, 23 Jan 2019 18:42:02 +0000 Anonymous 815 at /staffcouncil
Diversity & Inclusion Summit November 13 - 14 /staffcouncil/2018/10/16/diversity-inclusion-summit-november-13-14 Diversity & Inclusion Summit November 13 - 14 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/16/2018 - 14:35 Tags: 2018 Diversity and Inclusion Summit

All staff are invited to participate in this year’s system-wide Diversity and Inclusion Summit - Intent vs. Impact: Improving Inclusive Interactions, held this year at CU Boulder. The Diversity and Inclusion Summit is a free event open to all students, faculty, staff, and City of Boulder employees. Too often,well-intended communications can produce unintended or harmful impacts. This dynamic can play a key role in leaving individuals or groups feeling divided, and may impede progress towards building inclusive communities. The goal with this year’s Diversity & Inclusion Summit is to bridge this gap and lessen the divide between intent and impact by providing information on recognizing such occurrences and learning behaviors to mitigate them. 

Keynote speaker Dr. Beverly Tatum, president emerita of Spelman College and author of the book Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? and Other Conversations about Race, will be speaking with Chancellor DiStefano on November 13 at 10 a.m. in the UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom. Dr. Tatum is a clinical psychologist widely known for both her expertise on race relations and as a thought leader in higher education. Her thirteen years as the president of Spelman College (2002-2015) were marked by innovation and growth. In 2013 Dr. Tatum’s visionary leadership was recognized when she received the Carnegie Academic Leadership Award. Small group discussion sessions on Dr. Tatum’s book will follow her presentation. 

Staff Council will be hosting a Hospitality Suite during the summit for staff members from all campuses. Please stop by for refreshments and conversation between sessions. 

To register or for more information on the summit and the sessions, please visit the Diversity and Inclusion Summit page. You can also access the full schedule of the summit here


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Tue, 16 Oct 2018 20:35:31 +0000 Anonymous 775 at /staffcouncil
Diversity & Inclusion Summit at CU Boulder, November 13 & 14! /staffcouncil/2018/08/21/diversity-inclusion-summit-cu-boulder-november-13-14 Diversity & Inclusion Summit at CU Boulder, November 13 & 14! Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/21/2018 - 00:00 Categories: Be engaged. Tags: Diversity and Inclusion Summit

This year’s Diversity Summit will be hosted on the Boulder campus for students, staff and faculty from all four campuses. Members of the Boulder community are also welcome to attend. Summits have been held annually on the Boulder campus for over a decade, and are organized by ODECE, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement.  

This year’s theme: As part of our continuing work of Making Excellence Inclusive, the November 2018 Summit is dedicated to exploring and understanding the gap between “intention” and “impact” in order to achieve alignment within our community while honoring differences.

Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, former president of Spellman College and author of Why Are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? will be the keynote speaker on the morning of November 13th. More info can be found on the Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement website.

If you have ideas for workshops, speakers or panels (for this or a future Summit) please contact Deborah.Prestianni@colorado.edu of Staff Council or Nola.salisbury@colorado.edu of ODECE.


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Tue, 21 Aug 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 716 at /staffcouncil
Diversity and Inclusion Summit - Staff Drop-in Session /staffcouncil/2018/02/06/diversity-and-inclusion-summit-staff-drop-session Diversity and Inclusion Summit - Staff Drop-in Session Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/06/2018 - 00:00 Categories: Be engaged. Tags: Diversity and Inclusion Summit Staff Council Deborah Prestianni

Spring 2018 Diversity & Inclusion Summit, 2/13/18 in UMC (various rooms):

After all of our efforts to build a more diverse and inclusive campus, why does our community still fall short in these areas? It’s time to find our way! The Spring 2018 Diversity and Inclusion Summit will continue the exploration we started at the November 2017 Summit. We want the campus to courageously lean into the sensitive places in our communities and in ourselves to awaken to a new authenticity. It’s time for each of us to take a bold step toward advancing our commitment to being a diverse and inclusive community. Join us for 20+ informative, challenging and interactive sessions as we "Building the Road Map: Finding Our Way." The Summit is presented by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement (ODECE), the Chancellor’s Advisory Committees, Staff Council, Athletics and the City of Boulder.  More information at Spring Diversity and Inclusion Summit Schedule

鶹Ƶ the Staff only session:

Staff Drop-In Session, Sponsored by Staff Council, 2/13/2018, 7:30 am to 2:45 pm, UMC 457, Dennis Small Cultral Center

For CU Boulder Staff only – please bring your BuffOne Card for entry. Stop for a cup of coffee and meet your Staff Council representatives. Share your ideas about what’s important to you in diversity, inclusion and equity and what you’d like to learn more about at future Summits and campus events.

Sesión de “Bienvenido” del personal, patrocinada por el Consejo del personal del campus de Boulder, 2018 febrero 13, 07:30 – 14:45, en UMC 457, “Dennis Small Cultural Center”. Solo para el personal de CU Boulder -- por favor traiga su tarjeta BuffOne. Visitenos para tomar una taza de café y conozca a los representantes de su Consejo del Personal. Comparta sus ideas sobre lo que es importante para usted en diversidad, inclusión y equidad y sobre qué le gustaría aprender más en las futuras Cumbres (“Summits”) y eventos del campus.

Staff Drop-In Session, Sponsored by Staff Council, 2/13/2018, 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., UMC 457, Dennis Small Cultral Center. For CU Boulder Staff only – please bring your BuffOne Card for entry. Stop for a cup of coffee and meet your Staff Council representatives. Share your ideas about what’s important to you in diversity, inclusion and equity and what you’d like to learn more about at future Summits and campus events.


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Tue, 06 Feb 2018 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 540 at /staffcouncil