Leslie Irvine
- Leslie Irvine has a new publication: Irvine, Leslie. 2023. “Our ‘Zoological Connections’ and Why They Matter.” Sociological Forum. http://doi.org/10.1111/socf.12961
- Leslie Irvine wrote an opinion piece that came out in Scientific American. It draws on her co-authored research on emotional apprenticeship in the 4-H youth livestock program. People who raise animals for slaughter do hard, emotional
- Leslie Irvine’s co-authored research on pet fatalities in the Marshall Fire has been published in Animals: Irvine, Leslie, and Casara Andre. 2023. "Pet Loss in an Urban Firestorm: Grief and Hope after Colorado’s Marshall Fire" Animals
- Research conducted by Leslie Irvine and Casara Andre, DVM, on pet fatalities during the 2021 Marshall Fire received extensive media coverage over the fire’s December 30 anniversary. They have collaborated with Animal Help Now on the
- The first edition of Regarding Animals provided insight into the history and practice of how human beings construct animals, and how we construct ourselves and others in relation to them. Considerable progress in how society regards
- “The Veterinarian Brings His Healing Presence to Pets of the Unhoused”
- with a new preface by the author!
- Irvine, Leslie. 2020. “Pets (Animal/Human relationships).” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by G. Ritzer. Hoboken NJ: John Wiley and Sons.