- Julienne and Rob presented talks at the Annual CoNPS meeting in Golden, Colorado.
- Petal cell photo from the lab chosen for HHMI Image of the Week!
- Julienne and Rob were awarded an NSF grant to study community assembly at NEON sites.
- Cat and Kai made a short video about their lab adventures this summer.
- Jeff presented a poster about the plasticity of flavonoid production at the 2015 Pan-Am EvoDevo meeting in Berkeley.
- Andrea and Stacey travel to Edmonton to present our work on anthocyanin evolution at Botany 2015.
- Julia and Stacey present research about biogeography and flower color evolution in their favorite family.
- Our model-based phylogenetics workshop, co-sponsored by the NSF and SSB, was a great success!
- The lab is bustling with new high school interns, Kathy and Jessica, and
- Julienne, Dan and Stacey attend the first ever SSB standalone meeting in Ann Arbor.