LA Program Info Session and Celebration

5:00 - 5:30 pm: Info Session, Chancellor's Auditorium (CASE)

  • Target audience: prospective LAs, and current LAs and Faculty
  • Learn more about what LAs do and how to apply for Fall 2025 semester
  • Acknowledge the efforts of current LAs, LA Mentors, LA Faculty, and Departmental Coordinators

5:30 - 6:30 pm Informal Meet & Greet with refreshments

  • Meet with interested students, current LAs, and LA faculty from departments across campus
  • Celebrate all of our hard work so far this semester!

Read more about specific members of our community who we’re honoring, below!

Faculty who have completed the “newer faculty” professional development series: 

This semester, we are recognizing faculty who have recently started working with LAs and have participated in all aspects of faculty learning sessions designed for faculty who are new to the LA Program. We appreciate your commitment to building strong instructional teams that include LAs while also making changes to your course that foster meaningful student and LA interactions. These faculty completed sessions including (1) All Faculty Meetings, (2) Getting the most out of your work with LAs, (3) Getting the most out of your weekly preparation sessions with LAs, and attended (4) at least one early-semester check-in during weeks 3 or 4 of the semester. Thank you for your time and efforts and for contributing meaningfully to our program!

This semester we will be recognizing those indicated (Bold**) with a certificate.

TermNameDepartmentLA-Supported Course(s)
Fa22Alison VigersPSYC & NRSCNRSC 4072, NRSC 4572
Fa22Brooke HuibregtsePSYC, NRSC, & CEOLCE-PSYC 2606, CE-PSYC 3102, PSYC 3102
Fa22Elizabeth CassanoATOCATOC 1050
Fa22Eric VanceAPPMAHUM 1825
Fa22Kimberly CampbellLeedsBCOR 1030
Sp23Lori PooleCOMMCOMM 3750
Sp23Renee GurganusPHYSPHYS 2010
Sp23Supriya NaiduCSCICSCI 1300
Fa23Tyler McMakenPHYSPHYS 1240
Fa23Sasha NovackPHYSPHYS 2010
Fa23Marialis Rosario FrancoASTRASTR 1000, 1010
Fa23Leah SimonASTRASTR 1020
Sp24Yuan ShiPHYSPHYS 1115
Fa24Justin BrumbaughMCDBMCDB 4650
Fa24Hadassah WardCOMMCOMM 2400, 2500


Matt Reichenbach**


APPM 1350/1351, 1360/1361


Bobby Benim**


APPM 1350/1351, 2350/2351


Karen Riley**


MCDB 1150/1152


Michaele Ferguson**


PSCI 2400, 3184, 3274


Nii Armah Sowah**


DNCE 2501

Departmental Coordinators: 

Departmental Coordinators are faculty representatives from each department that seeks LA support in their courses. Departmental Coordinators serve as liaisons between LA Program staff and the faculty and leadership within their department. They thoughtfully guide the implementation and spread of LA-support throughout courses within the department, engage with and recruit faculty, identify key courses that could benefit from LA support, and take on leadership in recruiting and interviewing LAs for upcoming semesters. Departmental Coordinators also provide feedback to faculty on their LA course proposals and help LA Program Staff connect with and coordinate between departments. They are an essential part of the distributed leadership model of the LA Program, and an indispensable resource for LA Program Staff, other faculty, LAs, and students. Thank you for your service and support! Learn more about our Departmental Coordinators, here.

We will be recognizing this semester’s new Departmental Coordinators (Bold**) with a certificate.

Seneca LindseyAPPM: Applied Mathematics
Anne DoughertyAPPM: Applied Mathematics
John KellerAPS: Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
James RudolphATOC: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Adam BeaverCEOL: Continuing Education Online Learning
Grace RexrothCEOL: Continuing Education Online Learning
Natalie AhnBCHM: Biochemistry
Susan HendricksonCHEM: Chemistry
Lori PooleCOMM: Communication
Supriya NaiduCSCI: Computer Science
Teresa NugentENGL: English
Steve MillerENVS: Environmental Studies
Saskia HintzGSLL: Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures
David ParadisHIST: History
Christopher CarruthINFO: Information Sciences
Daniel MoritzMATH: Mathematics
Christy FillmanMCDB: Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology
Daniel BoltonPHYS: Physics
Michaele FergusonPSCI: Political Science
Heidi DayPSYC & NRSC: Psychology and Neuroscience
Natalie SmutzlerPSYC & NRSC: Psychology and Neuroscience
Nii Armah SowahTHDN: Theater and Dance

On behalf of the 鶹Ƶ Learning Assistant Program, we would like to express our appreciation for all current LAs who have contributed to the educational mission of the Program by serving an LA for their third semester. We recognize your investments in continued pedagogical training that support both your students, and the faculty and New LAs with whom you work. We are grateful for your contributions and proud of you for the ways you have pursued personal growth and development, too! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

NameLA Appointments (term)

Abraham Irizarry

ASTR 3400 (Spring 2025), ASTR 2600 (Fall 2024), COMM 2400 (Spring 2024)

Aditi Jegannath

MATH 2300 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024)

Aidan Donnelly

CSCI 1300 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024)

Alicia Zhang

CSCI 1300 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024)

Anna Nedelcu-Erickson

MATH 1300 (Spring 2025), MATH 1150 (Fall 2024), AHUM 1825 (Fall 2023)

Bentura Salazar

ASTR 2600 (Spring 2025), ASTR 1010 (Fall 2024), MAT 201 (FRCC Spring 2022)

Carly Price

CHEM 1133 (Spring 2025, Spring 2024), CHEM 1113 (Fall 2023)

Jen Lawrence

NRSC 2200 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024)

Katherine Urban

ENVS 1001 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024)

Kyle Capener

PSYC 4145 (Spring 2025), CHEM 1133 (Fall 2023), CHEM 1113 (Spring 2023)

Laura Sinsko

MATH 2400 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024), MATH 2300 (Spring 2024)

Madeline Todd

ENGL 3016 (Spring 2025), ENGL 3830 (Fall 2024), ENGL 2212 (Fall 2023)

Olivia Dalfollo-Daley

MATH 2400 (Spring 2025), MATH 2300 (Fall 2024), MATH 1300 (Spring 2024)

Omer Widaa

CHEM 1113 (Spring 2025, Spring 2024), CHEM 1400 (Fall 2024)

Thomas Whitehead

MATH 2400 (Spring 2025), MATH 2300 (Fall 2024), MATH 1300 (Spring 2024)

Valeria Saldana

ASTR 1010 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024), PHYS 1110+PHYS 1115 (Fall 2023)

Victoria Davis

CSCI 1300 (Spring 2025, Fall 2024, Spring 2024)

Wallis McGuire

APPM 1361+APPM 1360 (Spring 2025), APPM 1351+APPM 1350 (Fall 2024), APPM 1235 (Spring 2024)

Spring 2025 LAs who are continuing beyond 3 semesters as an LA who have already been recognized:

Name (# of terms)LA Appointments (term)

Aaron Price (4)

PHYS 1230 (Sp25), PHYS 2170+2130 (Fa24), PHYS 1110 (Sp24), PHYS 1120 (Fa23)

Alexa Reyes Ricardez (10)

CE-WRTG 3045 (Fa24, Sp24), CE-WRTG 3030 (Su24, Fa23, Sp23, Su23, Sp22, Fa21), CE-WRTG 3020 (Su23, Sp25)

Ben Braun (4)

PHYS 3320 (Sp25), PHYS 2170+2130 (Fa24), PHYS 1010 (Fa23), PHYS 2010 (Sp23)

Dustin Talwar (4)

ASTR 1030 (Sp25), ASTR 1020 (Fa24, Sp24), ASTR 1000 (Fa23)

Evy Ng (4)

CSCI 1300 (Sp25, Fa24, Sp24, Fa23)

Haylie Schramm (4)

CE-PSYC 3303 (Sp25, Fa24, Su24, Sp24)

Jesse Wong (4)

PHYS 1120+1125 (Sp25), PHYS 1110+1115 (Fa24, Sp24, Fa23)

Kaleigh Schanker (5)

CHEM 1113 (Fa24, Fa23, Sp23), CHEM 1133 (Sp25, Sp24)

Lia Farrell (4)

NRSC 2200 (Sp25, Fa24, Sp24, Fa23)

Luke Zidar (4)

PHYS 1120+ 1125 (Sp25), PHYS 1110+PHYS 1115 (Fa24, Sp24, Fa23)

Ruth Nowotny (5)

PSCI 2004 (Sp25), CE-ENGL 1700 (Sp24), ENGL 1700 (Fa23), ENGL 2212 (Sp23), ENGL 1001 (Su23)

Zach Schultz (4)

CSCI 1300 (Sp25, Fa24, Sp24, Fa23)

On behalf of the 鶹Ƶ Learning Assistant Program, we would like to express our appreciation for current LA Mentors, all of whom contribute to the Program’s education mission in multiple ways including by supporting first-semester Learning Assistants through the challenges and successes of their interactions with students. LA Mentors support New LAs in weekly group mentoring during the LA Pedagogy Course and individually through one-on-one mentoring sessions, and make lasting impacts on their mentees. Their work also has broader impacts on LA-supported courses and the experiences of LAs, faculty, students in these courses, and on one another, and LA Program staff. Finally, LA Mentors have invested significant time examining how they approach their interactions with others in order to intentionally and effectively wear the mantle of a growth-oriented mentor, as well as focusing on their own growth and development while participating in EDUC 4620, “Becoming an LA Mentor”. We are proud of you, grateful for our time with you, and fully believe that we couldn’t do this without you! Learn more about the LA Mentor Program, here!

This semester we will be recognizing Lead LA Mentors, with a certificate (Bold**).

Name# of SemestersLA Experience [Spring 2025]

Abigail Jeong
**Lead Mentor**
**Student Employee, Leader of the Year Nominee**

4MCDB 2150 (1)
Alexandra Washburn1ASTR 1030, [ASTR 1010] (2)
Beauregard Cave
**Lead Mentor**
4MATH 2300 (2)
Carla Torres4CHEM 1113 (1)
Eli Wetter3CE-ENGL 2102; CE-ENGL 1001; ENGL 2102; [CE-ENGL 3026] (4)
Jonny Lunney4CSCI 1300 (2)
Leo Su2CSCI 1300  (3)
Liora Goldstein​2BCHM 1020 (1)
Nathan Lamp2CSCI 1300 (4)
Ruth Nowotny​2ENGL 2212; CE-ENGL 1001; ENGL 1700; PSCI 2004 (5)
Sydney Young2MATH 2300 (1)
Victoria Davis2CSCI 1300; [CSCI 1300] (3)

Vesaun Shrestha
**Lead Mentor**

4CSCI 1300; [CSCI 1300] (4)

William Ashcraft
**Lead Mentor**
**Center for Leadership Student Leader of the Year**

6CSCI 1300; [CSCI 1300] (6)