- Towler, Erin L 1 ; Rajagopalan, Balaji 2 ; Summers, Scott 3 ; Seidel, Chad 41 University of Colorado at Boulder2 University of Colorado at Boulder3 University of Colorado at Boulder4
- INVITED FACULTY TALK - Global Predictions Of River Discharge And Sediment Load Under Human InfluenceSyvitski, James 11 Environmental Computation and Imaging Group, INSTAAR, University of Colorado at BoulderThe UNH water balance and transport model (WBM), based on the STN-30p network, provides a fundamental structure for analyzing the
- Ryan, Joseph N 11 University of Colorado, BoulderWe investigated the transport of the cations Cs+ and Sr2+ in flow-through and recirculating saturated quartz porous media in the absence and presence of illite colloids to examine the effect
- Pitlick, John 1 ; Mueller, Erich 2 ; Segura, Catalina 31 Geography Department, CU-Boulder2 Geography Department, CU-Boulder3 Geography Department, CU-BoulderIn high-gradient channels the sediment
- Brown, Gerald R. 11 Navajo Technical CollegeThis presentation will provide a summary of the work conducted by Church Rock Chapter of the Navajo Nation under the auspicies of the Church Rock Uranium Monitoring Project, and SRIC's role in
- Anthony, James L. 1 ; Lewis, William M. 21 CIRES/Center for Limnology2 CIRES/Center for LimnologyMass balances suggest that phytoplankton production in laks may be subsidized by nutrients released from epilimnetic
- Anderson, Suzanne P. 1 ; Bartholomaus, Timothy C. 2 ; Anderson, Robert S. 31 CU2 CU3 CUObservations at Kennicott Glacier, Alaska, suggest that glacier sliding may trigger drainage of Hidden Creek
- Aiken, George 11 US Geological SurveyA number of biogeochemical processes that influence the fate, bioavailability and transport of mercury (Hg) in aquatic systems are mediated by the interaction of Hg with dissolved organic matter (DOM).
- Williams, Mark W 11 CU-BoulderMountains, like the polar regions, are likely to experience the effects of global warming before lowland sites. Seasonally snow-covered areas are like canaries in a coal mine; early warning systems that
- Vogel, Richard M 11 Tufts University, Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringA general introduction to the new field of ‘hydromorphology’ will be given. Hydromorphology is to hydrology, as geomorphology is to geology.