- Regonda, Satish K 1 ; Rajagopalan, Balaji 2 ; Clark, Martyn 3 ; Zagona, Edith 41 Dept of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
- Pontius, Frederick W. 11 Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.Watershed control is one option within the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Long-Term 2 Enhanced
- Nordstrom, D. Kirk 11 U.S. Geological Survey, Boulder, COResearch in chemistry, geochemistry, and hydrogeochemistry has been applied successfully to identify the geochemical processes that produce acid rock drainage and determine its fate
- Neupauer, Roseanna M 11 Univ. of ColoradoWavelet analysis is a relatively new tool for data analysis and signal processing. Similar to Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis identifies dominant periods or scales in one-dimensional and multi-
- Molotch, Noah 11 University of Colorado, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences CIRESA spatially distributed snowmelt model was used to simulate pixel-specific daily snowmelt and snow water equivalent (SWE) over the
- Mantilla, Ricardo 1 ; Gupta, Vijay K 21 Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). University of Colorado at Boulder.2
- Different Effects Of The Heat Sources Of Surrounding Oceans On The East Asian Summer Monsoons (EASM)Lee, Eungul 1 ; Chase, Thomas N. 2 ; Rajagopalan, Balaji 31 CIRES and Geography, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder2 CIRES and Geography, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder3 CIRES and CEA Engineering, Univ. of
- Kurc, Shirley A 1 ; Small, Eric E 21 University of Colorado, Geological Sciences2 University of Colorado, Geological SciencesIn water-limited semiarid and arid areas, the ecosystem scale exchanges of water and carbon
- Hornberger, George M. 11 University of VirginiaUnderstanding the mechanisms by which rainfall is transformed into streamflow in forested catchments is a key prerequisite to understanding pollutant transport, biogeochemical cycles, and
- A Comparison Of Hydrological Flowpaths And Nutrient Export In Three Small Tropical Forest CatchmentsHoalst Pullen, Nancy 1 ; Hamann, Hillary B. 2 ; Stallard, Robert F 31 Geography, INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder2 Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado - Colorado