- Sven Steinmo, 鶹ƵPublished: 2019“Néo-institutionnalisme historique” inLaurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot, and Pauline Ravinet (eds.),Dictionnaire des politiques publiques,VOL. 4.,Paris: Presses de
- Sven Steinmo, 鶹Ƶ; Sven Hort,Södertörn UniversityPublished: 2019“Who is that guy?” in Sven Engstrom and Sven Hort (eds.),Om Bo Rothstein, Aktiv Forlag, Lund, Sweden, 2019, pp. 67-73.
- By: Jaroslav Tir 鶹Ƶ, Shane P. Singh University of GeorgiaPublished: 28 June 2018Abstract:Gender and politics research argues that men are more hawkish and supportive of militarized confrontations with foreign foes,
- By: Jennifer Wolak, 鶹ƵPublished: 26 February2019Abstract:When women are represented on the campaign trail and in elected office, women in the electorate have been shown to report greater engagement in politics
- By: Stephani Langehennig, Joseph Zamadics, Jennifer Wolak, 鶹ƵPublished: 13 Janurary 2019Abstract:Does the public’s approval of their state legislature reflect their satisfaction with the outputs of state
- By: Jennifer Wolak, 鶹ƵPublished: 09 June 2019Abstract:Political knowledge is an incredible political resource for citizens, promoting informed voter decision-making and helping citizens hold their elected
- By: Jennifer Wolak, 鶹ƵPublished: 21 May 2019Abstract:Why do young people choose to identify with a political party? While existing accounts emphasize the importance of political socialization, we propose that young people
- By: Jennifer Wolak, 鶹ƵPublished: 12 May 2019Read More Here: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/708644
- John D. Griffin and Brian NewmanPublished: 2019,Presidential Studies Quarterly49(2): 310-329.Abstract:Presidents face incentives to move toward the median voter as elections approach. We explore the racial consequences of these electoral
- John D. Griffin, Brian Newman, and David W. NickersonPublished: 2019,Legislative Studies Quarterly44(1): 133-162Abstract:Theories of democratic politics prize congruence between citizens’ preferences and their elected