Graduate Students

  • pic
    Dr. Siegel, Professor in the Political Science department, would like to thank Text as Data students for a great semester! Check out their final projects/research proposals below!Click Here to View Final Projects
  • Workshop
    Writing a dissertation proposal is an important step toward the dissertation itself, but the process of researching and writing one can be a difficult transition time for many graduate students.For their first years of graduate
  • Zarychta
    Political SciencePh.D. Recipient at CU BoulderThe Political Science Department would like to congratulate Alan Zarychta in receiving the 2017 Leonard D. White Award from the American Political Science Association.This award is given to
  • Joby Schaffer
    Graduate Student in Political ScienceThe Department of Political Science would like to congratulate Ph.D candidate Joby Schaffer on receiving the 2017 Inaugural Seligson Prize from Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP). Both Schaffer and his
  • ryan dawkins
    PhD Candidate, Graduate Part-Time InstructorWhether it’s about course material, politics in the news, or his own personal experiences, Ryan Dawkins loves to answer the questions his students ask him. However, there is one part
  • shawnna and grandma
    “For me, Clinton really represents things that I want to see happen, like equal pay for women and freedom of reproductive rights.” -Shawnna Mullenax“I am a Conservative-thinking person, and I don’t like the way the country has gone. I can’t
  • shawnna mullenax
    PhD Candidate, President of PSCI Graduate StudentsWhen Shawnna Mullenax enrolled at West Virginia University, she had plans to become a chiropractor; however, she quickly learned that it’s never too early to change your major.“Three weeks into
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