
Local Politics of Forest Governance: Why NGO Support Can Reduce Local Government Responsiveness.

*Cook, N.J., Wright, G.D. and Andersson, K.P 2017. Local Politics of Forest Governance: Why NGO Support Can Reduce Local Government Responsiveness. World Development 92: 203-14. To view the publication, click here.


When Are Monetary Policy Preferences Egocentric? Evidence from American Surveys and an Experiment.

Oct. 15, 2018

“When Are Monetary Policy Preferences Egocentric? Evidence from American Surveys and an Experiment.” (David H. Bearce and *Kim-Lee Tuxhorn) American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 61 (January 2017): 178-93. View the publication here .


International Labor Mobility and the Variety of Democratic Political Institutions.

"International Labor Mobility and the Variety of Democratic Political Institutions." (David H. Bearce and *Andrew F. Hart) International Organization, Vol. 71 (Winter 2017): 65-95. To view the publication, click here.


“Does Democratization Lower Consumer Prices? Regime Type, Prices, and the Consumer—Producer Tradeoff.”

Andy Baker and *Stefan J. Wojcik (Forthcoming). “Does Democratization Lower Consumer Prices? Regime Type, Prices, and the Consumer—Producer Tradeoff.” International Political Science Review. Click here to view the publication.


Impacts of Drought on Social and Agricultural Systems.

Amery, H. and *Boyes, C. (2017) Impacts of Drought on Social and Agricultural Systems. Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity: Management of Drought and Water Scarcity, Edition: Forthcoming (May 18, 2017), Chapter: 2, Publisher: CRC Press and Routledge, a division of Taylor & Francis, Editors: Saeid Eslamian, Faezeh A. Eslamian,...
