
Local Politics of Environmental Disaster Risk Management: Institutional Analysis and Lessons from Chile.

Sept. 25, 2017

Valdivieso, P. and Andersson, K. Abstract: Why do some local governments successfully address issues related to environmental disaster risk management (EDRM), while others do not? This research contributes to a growing literature about the relationships between institutions, multilevel governance, and EDRM at the local level in developing countries. Supported by...


Local Politics of Forest Governance: Why NGO Support Can Reduce Local Government Responsiveness

Sept. 25, 2017

Cook, Nathan J., Wright, Glenn D., Andersson, Krister P. Abstract: Concerned with the challenges of sustainable development, policy makers and scholars often urge nongovernmental organizations to increase their efforts to support governance of natural resources in developing countries. How does funding from external NGOs influence the responsiveness of local government...


Institutional Drivers of Adaptation in Local Government Decision Making: Evidence from Chile. Climatic Change.

Sept. 25, 2017

Valdivieso, P.E., Andersson, K.P., Villena-Roldan, B. 2017. Abstract: We study how the local institutional context shapes local government decisions about responses to perceived threats of natural disasters and climatic change. We draw on institutional theories and field observations to develop hypotheses about the effects of municipal institutional arrangements, social capital,...


Responding to a Groundwater Crisis: The Effects of Self-Imposed Economic Incentives

Sept. 25, 2017

Steven M. Smith, Krister Andersson, Kelsey C. Cody, Michael Cox, and Darren Ficklin Abstract: Many globally important groundwater aquifers are under considerable stress as withdrawals, predominantly for irrigation, outpace recharge. Meanwhile, groundwater policy to address the common-pool resource losses remains in its nascent stage. This study analyzes a recent and...


Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? Cointegration and Dynamic Inference from Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models

Sept. 19, 2017

Abstract: Although recent articles have stressed the importance of testing for unit roots and cointegration in time-series analysis, practitioners have been left without a straightforward procedure to implement this advice. I propose using the autoregressive distributed lag model and bounds cointegration test as an approach to dealingwith some of themost...


The effects of immigration and integration on European budgetary trade-offs

Sept. 19, 2017

Abstract: What affects government policy-making continues to be an important question for researchers interested in political competition and policy priorities. In this contribution, we bring together a theoretical framework that focuses on the influence of globalizing forces on government policy decisions with a methodological emphasis on explaining dynamic budgetary trade-offs...


Trade and the Recognition of Commercial Lingua Francas

Sept. 19, 2017

Abstract: Trade has the potential to influence a wide range of political and social outcomes. Using the post-Soviet context, we examine how language policies – vital components for how minorities are treated with far-reaching economic consequences – are influenced by trade. We argue that while ethnic politics and colonial legacies...


Neoliberal feminism as political ideology: revitalizing the study of feminist political ideologies

Sept. 19, 2017

Journal of Political Ideologies, 22:3, 221-235, DOI: 10.1080/13569317.2017.1348705 Abstract The emerging literature on neoliberal feminism appears to signal the revitalization of the study of feminist ideologies, suspended since the mid-1980s. However, it is argued here that scholars tend to conceptualize neoliberal feminism in a way that inhibits ideological analysis, as...


Trump is a Feminist, and Other Cautionary Tales for Our Neoliberal Age

Sept. 19, 2017

Theory & Event , Vol. 20, No. 1 Supplement, January 2017: 53-67. Abstract Feminists have criticized the election of President Trump as a failure of and for feminism, obscuring how his election signals the success of neoliberal feminism. Such feminist criticisms of Trump amplify rather than displace the dominance of...


Tyrants and Migrants: Authoritarian Immigration Policy

Sept. 19, 2017

Abstract: This article examines the determinants of immigration policy toward low-skilled workers across 13 relatively wealthy autocracies after World War II. I argue that authoritarian immigration policy is a consequence of an autocrat’s redistributive policy. As the distribution of resource rents in rentier autocracies reduces the incentive of domestic labor...
