- Professor

Research Interests:
Theoretical and experimental investigations of space and laboratory complex (dusty) plasmas.
Electrodynamic processes and their role in the origin and evolution of the solar system, comets, planetary rings, plasma surface interactions. Dust charging, in situ and remote observations of dust. Dusty plasma laboratory experiments and space hardware development.
Selected Publications:
- M. ±á´Ç°ùá²Ô²â¾±, V. Hoxie, D. James, A. Poppe, C. Bryant, B. Grogan, B. Lamprecht, J. Mack, F. Bagenal, S. Batiste, N. Bunch, T. Chantanowich, F. Christensen , M. Colgan, T. Dunn , G. Drake, A. Fernandez, T. Finley, G. Holland, A. Jenkins, C. Krauss, E. Krauss, O. Krauss, M. Lankton, C. Mitchell, M. Neeland , T. Resse, K. Rash, G. Tate, C. Vaudrin, J. Westfall, The Student Dust Counter on the New Horizons Mission, Space Science Rev. 140, 387, 2008.
- M. ±á´Ç°ùá²Ô²â¾±, J. A. Burns, M. M. Hedman, G. H. Jones, S. Kempf, Saturn’s Diffuse Rings, in: Saturn after Cassini-Huygens, eds: M. Dougherty, L. Esposito, T. Krimigis, Univ. of Arizona Press, 511-536, 2009.
- ±á´Ç°ùá²Ô²â¾±, O. Havnes, G. E. Morfill, Dusty Plasmas in the Solar System, in: Complex (Dusty) Plasmas, eds: V. Fortov and G.E. Morfill, CRC Press, 2009.