A Redesign and Analysis of the PhET Geometric Optics Simulation for Effective Science Education
Sarah Chang
(Swarthmore College)
Research Project Description.
Geometric optics is a confusing subject for many physics students, who often first encounter the subject in introductory college physics classes. Traditional instruction in geometric optics is not as effective as using interactive simulations. PhET Interactive Simulations created a geometric optics Flash simulation in 2004, but modern browsers have eliminated support for Flash as of January 2021. We redesigned and redeveloped the simulation in Javascript/HTML5, keeping the basic design but also adding new features to expand on the learning goals and address common student diffculties. We assessed the effectiveness of the redesign through think-aloud student interviews.
Perkins Group

Kathy is the director of the PhET Interactive Simulations Project and Director of CU's Science Education Initiative. She is also an Associate Professor Attendant Rank in Physics, specializing in PER. Her work in science education research has focused on: pedagogically-effective design and use of interactive simulations; sustainable course reform; students' beliefs about science; and institutional change. Before arriving at CU, she was trained as an experimental physicist and atmospheric scientist at Harvard University and transitioned to physics education research in January 2003 as a post-doctoral research with Carl Wieman.