Electronic Transport Properties fo TbAuAl4Ge2

Roei Dery
(Cornell University)
Research Project Description.
We present the first electron transport measurements of the crystal TbAuAl4Ge2. A magnetic ordering temperature in the 10–15 K regime is observed in a temperature sweep of resistivity and corroborates similar findings from magnetization data. Field sweeps from –7 to 7 T of the magnetoresistance and Hall resistivity are presented and display similar features as magnetization field sweeps. The Topological Hall Effect contribution to the Hall resistivity is isolated and reported. Measurement methods and Hall effect mechanisms are also discussed.
Lee Group

Professor Lee's research focuses on understanding collective behavior in condensed matter systems via electrical and thermal transport properties, under the control paramaters of high pressure and magnetic field. The systems of interest include anomalous Hall effect materials, itinerant magnetic systems, novel superconductivity in the vicinity of other ground states, and high thermoelectric materials. We also use nano-fabrication and microwave measurements to develop novel probes for correlated electron systems based on shot noise.