Matt Wennemann

Education: BA in Classics, University of Oklahoma, 2020; BA in Philosophy, University of Oklahoma, 2020; MA in philosophy, University of Oklahoma, 2022.
AoS: Medieval Philosophy
AoC: Ancient Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Business Ethics
My interests include epistemological and metaphysical topics in the medieval period, focusing especially on free will and the soul. My current research interests include the will as a faculty in the thought of Saint Augustine as well as the relationship between free will, the soul, and the doctrine of univocity of being in the thought of Duns Scotus.
"Liturgy and the Sublime," The British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (2023): 351-368.
"Duns Scotus’s Entangled Doctrines of Univocity, Freedom, and the Powers of the Soul," Forthcoming in Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval.
“Mayne on Consciousness and Free Will.” UT-Austin Graduate Conference on Early Modern Philosophy, 09/22.
"Augustine and the Meaning(s) of Voluntas." Saint Louis University Medieval Philosophy Mini-Conference, 06/2023.