

Timestamp Description Attribution Copyright Status
0:00 Pathway to Space Video Opener CU Campus Aerial Photo: Glenn Asakawa; Graphics: Peter Cullum; Song: Garrett Sayers Created by Pathway to Space
0:19-end Original fly through animation provided by Fiske Planetarium, CU Boulder, thanks to Sky-Skan, Inc. Executive Producer: Nickolas Conant; Programming & Rendering: Nickolas Conant, Murtidevi Nauth; Universe Visualizations produced using DigitalSky2 Created for Pathway to Space
1:14 Jean Leon Huens Public Domain
1:23 NOAO/AURA/NSF Copyrighted - Using under fair use to bring the Mauna Kea observatory to life for students
3:52 NASA Public Domain
5:39 NASA/JPL-Caltech Public Domain
6:52 JorisvS CC 3.0
8:17 ESO/M. Kornmesser CC 4.0
8:55 IAU/L. Calçada CC 3.0
12:48 Unknown Unknown
12:52 Unknown Unknown
12:54 NASA Public Domain
12:55 Kris Holland Unknown
14:02 Margaret Bourke-White/Time & Life Pictures Copyrighted - Using under fair use to show students Edwin Hubble at work
15:05 NASA Public Domain
18:57 ESA and the Planck Collaboration ESA
21:29 Planck telescope depicting matter throughout the universe after the big bang Provided by Erica Ellingson Unknown
22:13 Sequence of the big bang Peter Cullum Created by Pathway to Space