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From Vice Chancellor Mull: Family Weekend activities

Dr. Mull headshot

Hi Buff families,

We are about halfway through the fall semester now and time seems to be flying by! Our Buffs have had many occasions to create meaningful moments so far this season, and this weekend brings another opportunity to make memories with friends and family.

Family Weekend is finally here, and this program is one of my favorite fall traditions at CU Boulder. Visiting campus is a great way to experience aspects of your student’s life. Ask your Buff to give you their own tour of campus—they can show you where their classes are, where they like to relax and hang out, and their top places to eat. Be sure to check out some of our extraordinary dining options and try your student’s favorite dishes!

CU Boulder is one of the most beautiful college campuses in the country, and it is especially gorgeous this time of the year. There are many spots, both indoors and outdoors, that offer the perfect setting for selfies and family photos. Here are some recommendations:

While you are here, I encourage you to participate in activities that are exclusive to our campus. The annual will be Friday, Oct. 25, featuring a variety of activities from Health and Wellness departments and campus partners. Fiske Planetarium has a schedule of immersive experiences during Family Weekend. Families can also visit the CU Art Museum and CU Museum of Natural History for free, enjoy some friendly competition at and cheer on the Buffs at the pep rally.

I know families are not able to attend Family Weekend, and if that is the case, I hope you can visit your Buff sometime this semester. Whether you will be here or not this weekend, I encourage you to check in with your student. Ask them about their classes, their roommates and friends, what they are involved in this semester and what they like to do outside of class.

For those of you who will be in Boulder this weekend, I look forward to being in community with you. I will be attending the Lunch on the Lawn event and Pearl Street Stampede on Friday, Oct. 25, and the football game on Saturday, Oct. 26. If you see me around, please stop and say hi!

Dr. D’Andra Mull
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs