All MASP students are expected to complete the same program expectations every semester:

  • Achieving and maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Meeting regularly with MASP advisors.
  • Being present in and using the MASP study/community space effectively 3-5 times per week. Ìý(This includes meeting with advisors, studying individually or with a group, working on assignments, etc.)
  • Enrolling and participating in all designated MASP academic seminars.
  • Attending all mandatory MASP program activities during the academic year.​
  • ​Participating in at least one internship, research experience or study abroad program.
  • Treat others with respect and dignity to foster and maintain an inclusive academic community.

In addition to meeting with designated major advisors, MASP students meet regularly with MASP advisors on: Ìýselection of major(s), completion of Arts & Sciences core requirements, assistance in academic schedule planning, locating specific university resources, establishing short-term goals (e.g. Internships and study aboard opportunities), long-term plans (post-graduate), and assessment of other relevant skills and opportunities that will enhance the likelihood of their post-graduate success. ÌýBecause MASP advisors usually know students as pre-freshmen, and are or have been their instructors, they have a broader knowledge of their students than most advisors. ÌýThis knowledge enables MASP advisors to customize the best plans possible for each individual student.


MASP students earn a participation scholarship by fulfilling program requirements every semester. Students who complete PEAC are the only students eligible to receive the participation scholarship from their first semester onwards. Students entering as affiliates must complete program requirements for two semesters before being eligible for the scholarship.