Stack of antiracism resource books

Published: Dec. 18, 2020

In June 2020, in response to the police killings of , and many other Black people and people of color, the University Libraries, like many others, felt the strong need to take action. A group of librarians came together to create an .

Education and Ethnic Studies Librarian, Collections Assessment LibrarianArthur Aguileraand Librarian Archivistwere part of the group that produced this guide.

On this episode of CU at the Libraries, Linds, Arthur and Debbie reflect on creating the guide, along with the concept of neutrality in academic libraries through the lens of the's statement, “”

Check out Arthur Aguilera's top 5 anti-racism resources from July 2020 and Dean of Libraries and Sr. Vice Provost for Online Education Robert H. McDonald's recent statement on diversity and inclusion.