Please complete the fields below to submit your creative work or research paper for consideration for the Evan Wolfson Prize in LGBTQ Studies. For full details on this award, please visit /lgbtq/wolfson-prize.


By submitting an entry to the Wolfson Prize competition, I give permission to the directors of LGBTQ Studies to share my submission with members of the prize selection committee.

If selected as the competition winner, do you agree to share your winning submission with the funders of the Wolfson Prize?
If selected as the competition winner, do you agree to disclose your name and project title on CU's LGBTQ Studies website and other related material?

Entry Submissions

Essays and written work must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and cannot exceed 20 pages. Digital photography or visual work should be sent in a single PDF document. Video or film entries should be posted on Vimeo (or similar site) for online viewing. Please email link (and password, if applicable) to access materials. Video and film submissions up to 10 minutes in length will be considered; for projects exceeding 10 minutes in length, applicants should indicate which ten-minute excerpt reviewers should consider. Please do not send original art or irreplaceable materials with your submission. Please do not put your name
in the body of the document.

Links may be posted here. Please use the field below to upload Word documents or PDFs as appropriate.
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.

Press 'Submit' below to complete your application for the Evan Wolfson Prize in LGBTQ Studies. Your submission will be forwarded to our prize committee anonymously for evaluation. If you have any questions, or problems with this form, please email us at