
  • Air Force ROTC

Nicole is studying Psychology and is serving in the Air Force ROTC program. This academic year, Cadet Woods was given the role of Deputy Wing Commander for a Cadet Wing consisting of 225 officer candidates. During her leadership experience, she transformed the organization by promoting a team mindset and changing the way cadets work together. She fosters connection and team spirit, using her emotional intelligence to address the needs of her subordinates. Nicole's outstanding leadership history began when she served as a flight commander and her command team was nominated as one of the top Flight Commanders in the Detachment. After that, her flight was recognized as one of the highest-performing units in the organization. Nicole holds many leadership positions in extracurriculars outside of AFROTC, including her involvement in Arnold Air Society (AAS), a professional, honorary, service organization. As Deputy Operations Officer, she transformed her squadron's service impact, logging a record 3,800 service and professional development hours. Dedicated to seeing her team recognized, she independently arranged eight award packages, one of which helped the squadron achieve the 2023 Badley Trophy for Best Medium Squadron of the Nation – the first award the squadron has received in over a decade. Currently, she manages the strategic communications of thirteen squadrons in five states as the AAS Region VIII Director of Public Affairs, serving as regional staff. Nicole has also become a Facilitator with Peak-to-Peak, where she has mentored over 100+ freshman and sophomore cadets at a critical phase of their collegiate careers. Nicole uses her leadership not only to develop herself but also to develop her peers and subordinates. She has consistently demonstrates herself to be caring and compassionate is a great example of servant leadership.