
  • Navy ROTC

Colin is a senior who is currently studying Astronomy. He also served as the Executive Officer (2nd in Command) for a group of 52 future Naval Officers at the CU NROTC Battalion. As a student instructor, MIDN Hayes collaborates with the Active Duty staff and his peers to create and implement new standards and procedures for training. Additionally, he introduced a new turnover process to ensure continuity between semesters. MIDN Hayes has impressive presentation skills, which are on par with seasoned Junior Officers already serving in the Navy and Marine Corps. He is the NROTC Student Liaison with the CFL and has played a critical role in fostering integration with various University events. By all accounts, Colin exemplifies the Colorado Creed's mission: integrity, respect, and generosity. He holds himself to high standards of mental, moral, and physical excellence and uses his past experiences to enhance his decision-making and leadership skills. Colin consults other members of the institution and readily chases productive feedback from his peers. Most remarkably, he learns from his past without allowing mistakes to hinder his creative intuition and problem-solving. Colin places outreach and resourcefulness as main priorities in his leadership style, resulting in an undeniable trust between him and his peers.