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Emotionally Response-Able Leadership

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Hosted as a collaboration between The Center for Leadership, the CALM Center, and The Center for Student Involvement. 

Event Description: 
Learn to recognize the cognitive error that accounts for 80% of counterproductive leadership behaviors and how to correct it. 

What do you do when negative emotions arise? Do you harness their vitality and mine their wisdom? Or do you reframe and breathe through them - hoping they go away?

If you believe that emotions aren’t just here to be tamed but can be catalysts for moving you and your organization forward, you're in the right place.

Perhaps you’ve been told to manage your stress and reactivity by taking some deep breaths and reframing your stories and interpretations. While this “mindful” approach to dealing with negative emotions promotes a sense of calm, it doesn’t move the needle on things like motivation, creativity, or innovation. On the contrary, these emotional regulation techniques leave us feeling flat or emotionless – the opposite of the intuitive, passionate, visionary leadership we have come to admire in others.

In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll:
1. Learn a ground-breaking new theory of what your feelings are actually asking of you.
2. Explore the profound implications of harnessing emotions to lead yourself and others.
3. Leave with a simple practice you can use to raise your EQ to become a more effective leader.
You’ve read the literature explaining how emotional intelligence (EQ) is the biggest driver of leadership effectiveness but the techniques haven’t delivered the results you were seeking. In this masterclass, you’ll get a taste of what it’s like to embrace ALL of your emotions and live with passion. After all, emotions are what a sense of purpose and meaning are made of. And who doesn’t want to experience that?

Speaker Bio:
Charles M. Jones is a thought leader in the field of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). The author of “Emotional Intelligence for Stress-free Leadership” and a chapter of Fielding University's “Innovations in Leadership Coaching,” Charles is the originator of the Effectiveness Theory of Emotion and the creator of Emotional Response-Ability®, a game-changing approach to harnessing emotions to increase your EQ and upgrade your leadership effectiveness.