

  •    September 2024 Check out Anna's interview about her in the 

  •   June 2024 Asia has been awarded a USDA NIFA predoctoral fellowship!

  •   May 2024 Asia's paper  is out in Urban Ecosystems! Press from CU-Boulder Today!

  •   April 2024 Anna's paper  is out in Ecology! Press from CU-Boulder Today, , and !

  •   March 2024 Press release on fire ants study in Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine

  •   February 2024 Co-authored paper  led by  in out in Functional Ecology 

  •   January 2024 Working group paper led by  on  is out in Trends in Ecology and Evolution
  •   January 2024 is published in Freshwater Science

  •   August 2023 Welcome Lincoln Taylor!  Lincoln is a new PhD student in the lab co-advised by Sammy Ramsey. 

  •   June 2023 Julian was invited to share our research on corridors and plant-pollinator interactions on the . Thank you to Matt Candeias for the invitation and for running such a great podcast!

  •   April 2023 Andrew's paper on is out in Western North American Naturalist 

  •   March 2023 Andrew's paper is out in Ecosphere where he asks .

  •   February 2023 We're thrilled to have a new postdoc, Leana Zoller, join the lab. Welcome, Leana! 

  •   December 2022 Congrats to Anna Paraskevopoulos on publishing her REU project with Lars Brudvig and Chris Catano in Restoration Ecology! .

  •   December 2022  New paper out in Ecological Entomology! Resasco, J., Burt, M.A., Orrock, J.L., Haddad, N.M., Shoemaker, D. & Levey, D.J. . We found that the corridor effect we observed in a on polygyne fire ants (+) and native ants (-) diminishes over > decade. Here’s the key figure. 

  •   December 2022  So fun dying silk scarves using cochineal scale insects for our Insect Biology lab with

  •   August 2022 A warm welcome to the newest member of our lab, PhD student Casey Carroll. Casey recently received a MS from UF Entomology with Adam Dale and is interested in insect community ecology, ecosystem disturbance and conservation. Welcome Casey!

  •   August 2022 Anna, Andrew, Claire, Benjamin and Julian went to the Ecological Society of America's Annual Meeting in Montreal to present their research.

  •   July 2022  Victoria Alarcon Macias presented a fantastic poster on community gardens and insect biodiversity at the SMART program symposium. Congrats to Victoria and her outstanding mentor Asia Kaiser!

  •   July 2022 Postdoc opportunity in the lab! Details here: https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/Postdoctoral-Associate/39836

  •   April 2022 Congrats to Andrew on the defense of his Masters thesis on the natural history and distribution of a rare, high elevation endemic plant, Telesonix jamesii. Bravo Andrew! 

  •   March 2022  Julian and Rob Fletcher's paper  was selected for the 2021  in Landscape Ecology


  •   January 2022  has co-authored a cool new paper in Ecological Entomology with and on . Way to go Anna! 

  •   October 2021 Our lab's field season ~1sec/day

  •   August 2021

    • Julian is presenting at. Watch the presentation here 

    • is off to UC San Diego to start her PhD in the . Good luck and best wishes, Jess! 

  •   Summer 2021 The field season is in full swing. Lots of exciting projects happening on Pikes Peak, Niwot/MRS, Boulder, and South Carolina. 

  •   Apr. 2021 Julian and co-authors and have a new paper out in Ecology! We did this study over several years at CU's Mountain Research Station and found that . Press: CU-Boulder, .

  •   Mar. 2021 Lots of good news this month:

    • Anna received funding from Boulder OSMP, the Bev Sears fund, EBIO, and CU Museum of Natural History for her work on

    • Andrew received funding from the Colorado Native Plant Society and EBIO for his work on the rare plant Telesonix jamesii

    • Claire received funding from EBIO for her work on soil fauna

    • Katilyn received funding from CanBee Cocktails for her work on bumblebees

    • Julian is honored to have been selected as an  by the Ecological Society of America. Press: CU A&S Magazine

    • New paper led by  is out in Ecological Entomology, 

  •   Feb. 2021 Julian and have a new paper out in Landscape Ecology on how .

  •   Jan. 2021  EBIO Diversity Statment: "We celebrate our differences and embrace our shared humanity. The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is firmly rooted in an understanding that diverse backgrounds and perspectives promote growth and resilience in our society and our science. By continually refining inclusive practices and removing biases in mentoring, outreach, recruitment, research, and teaching, we seek to empower the next generation of ecologists and evolutionary biologists to advance science through justice, equity, and inclusion."

  •   Dec. 2020   New paper!  by Drew Prinster, Julian, and , just published in Ecology and Evolution

  •   Oct. 2020   We've had a couple of papers published stemming from a  on temporal dynamics of mutualistic networks organized by and . One is,  a Reviews and Synthesis paper led by  and , just published in Ecology Letters. The other is, , a quantitative synthesis led by , published in Oikos which was selected as Editor's Choice. Such a blast to collaborate with this international group of fantastic ecologists! 
  •   Sep. 2020 The new academic year is underway. We had our first lab meeting, masked and with socal distaning, at the foot of the flatirons.
  •   Aug. 2020 Check out some our talks (and collaborators') at the virual conference
  • Claire Winfrey and Kimberly Sheldon (Claire's work from her Masters): 
    Julian Resasco, Ana Martín González, and Diego Vázquez: organized "Inspire" session on  (intro talk on )
    Julian Resasco, Natacha Chacoff, and Diego Vázquez:  (also on )
    Topher Weiss-Lehman (University of Wyoming) and Julian Resasco: 
    Drew Prinster, Julian Resasco, and Cesar Nufio: 
    Melissa Burt, Nick Haddad, and Julian Resasco: 
  •   Summer 2020 Anna, Andrew, Kaitlyn, and Julian have been in the field this summer collecting data on plant pollinator interactions and eating licorice! 
  •   Jun. 2020  EBIO Solidarity Statement #BlackLivesMatter 
  • This summer Anabella Miller, undergraduate at New Mexico Highlands University, will be working with us, , and Irfan Alam on how landscape context affects apple tree ecology. 
  •   Apr. 2020   The lab keeps growing -- Kaitlyn Barthell has joined the lab as a B. A. / M. A. student. Welcome Kaitlyn!
  •   Mar. 2020   Lots of exciting news! Anna Paraskevopoulos and  will be joining the lab in the fall as PhD students (Claire co-advised by ). Anna was just awarded a 2020 NSF-GRFP and Claire will be coming in with a 2019 NSF-GRFP!
  •   Jan. 2020  Our new research technitan, Anna Paraskevopoulos, has joined the lab. Welcome Anna!
  •   Sep. 2019  New paper from the Corridor Project team on how connectivity beniefits plant biodiversity. Out now in Science ! . Press: , , , .
  •   Aug. 2019  Meet the lab! 
  •   Jun. 2019  Meta-analysis on a decade of testing corridor efficacy is out in Current Landscape Ecology Reports​ .