Dr. AmyPiscopo

  • Ph.D.
  • Co-advised by Prof. Roseanna Neupauer

Dr. Amy Piscopocompleted her doctoral degree from the 鶹Ƶ in. Amy was co-advised byRoseanna Neupauer, and Joseph Kasprzyk, where her dissertation research advanced new approaches for active spreading strategies to remediate contaminated aquifers considering different contaminants and aquifer properties. Amy has presented this research at numerous international conferences organized by the American Geophysical Union, Environmental Water Resources Institute, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and published papers inEnvironmental Modelling and Softwareand elsewhere. Before entering graduate school, Amy worked as an engineer for GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. in New Hampshire, where she was involved with several groundwater remediation projects, often at Superfund sites. Amy received her bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from Tufts University in 2009. Highlights of her time at Tufts include traveling to Ecuador with Engineers Without Borders and working for the Center for Engineering Education Outreach. Outreach activities remain important to Amy; she has mentored two undergraduate students on research projects related closely to her own work and she recently received a GK-12 Fellowship from the National Science Foundation to improve interactive engineering curriculum for GK-12 schools. Starting February 2016, Amy is a postdoctoral fellow in the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effectsin Rhode Island.


  1. Piscopo, AN, RM Neupauer, DC Mays. 2013. ""Water Resources Research. vol 49(6): 3618-3625.
  2. Piscopo, AN, RM Neupauer,JR Kasprzyk. 2016.“”Contaminant Hydrology. vol 190: 29-43.
  3. Piscopo, AN,JR Kasprzyk,RM Neupauer. 2015.“”Environmental Modelling and Software,vol 69: 253-261.