Air Quality InQuiry: Mongolian Chapter
Project Members
- Daniel Knight (Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering)
- Mike Hannigan (Professor, Mechanical Engineering)
- Evan Coffey (Sr. Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering)
- Helena Pliszka (graduate student, Mechanical Engineering)

Detailed Summary
Project Dates: 2020-ongoing
Mongolia has some of the poorest air quality in the world. Residents of the capital city, Ulaanbaatar, burn coal in the winter for heat resulting in high ambient particulate matter concentrations and public health emergencies. Through a US State Department-sponsored Fellows On-Demand collaborative visit to Mongolia in October 2019, the Hannigan Research group partnered with Public Lab Mongolia, a non-governmental organization dedicated to environmental justice and open data, to expand the Air Quality InQuiry (AQIQ) program to Mongolian youth. During the inaugural year (2020), dozens of students from the National University of Mongolia and three high schools in Ulaanbaatar participated in the program designing and conducting their own air quality experiments to address their own ideas/concerns. They presented their findings to their classmates, family, decision makers and to the general public. The program is currently expanding to five rural provinces and incorporating additional university campuses.
Public Lab Mongolia
National University of Mongolia
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
The US Embassy