Community Talks Series

Jewish Studies Community Talks - 2017 - 2018

Community Talks features nationally and internationally renowned scholars, authors, artists, and performers for themed public events with the goal of enriching community learning and expanding access to academic programming on Jewish culture and history.

This 2018-2019 academic year, Community Talks has a new theme, “Yiddishkvell: An Appreciation of All Things Yiddish.” Enjoy free, public programming that centers around Yiddish and features well known poets, musicians, and experts on the subject.

Learn about our upcoming events and how to Become a Friend of Community Talks below!

Become a Friend of Community Talks by making a gift of $50 andyou guarantee your spot at our 2018-2019 lineup featuring our newtheme, "Yiddishkvell: An Appreciation of All Things Yiddish." You will also receive invitations to exclusive offers, including colloquiums and additonal events with our upcoming Community Talks Speakers.

By becoming a friend of Community Talks, you help ensure that the Program in Jewish Studies can continue to offer premier academic programming for our community, promote lifelong learning about Jewish culture and history, and fulfill the University's mandate to support community education. Friends are asked to make an annual contribution to help us maintain our community programming.

Become a Friend of Community Talks Today!

October 11, 2018 |Lecture with Rukhl Schaechter

7:00 PM | Old Main Theater, CU Boulder Campus

Rukhl Schaechter is the editor of the Yiddish Forward (Forverts) and is bot the first woman to hold the position and the first editor to be born in the united states since the Forverts' founding in 1897. She will present a public lecture on The Forward, then and now.

November 8, 2018 |Concert with Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird

7:00 PM | Old Main Theater, CU Boulder Campus

Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird is a German-based klezmer band founded by Kahn in 2005. Described as “an absolute must for lovers of unusual, intelligent, challenging, exciting folk music and a blast at every instant,” the band will perform a free concert featuring songs in Yiddish this Fall 2018 on the CU Boulder campus.

January 24, 2019 |Annual Holocaust Lecture with Daniel Fishman

7:00 PM | Old Main Theater, CU Boulder Campus

In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we welcome David Fishman, Professor of Jewish History at the Jewish Theological Society, to present a talk on Yiddish-speaking Jewish communities during the Holocaust. Fishman is the author of numerous books and articles on the history and culture of East European Jewry.

February 21, 2019 |Lecture with Irena Klepfisz, 2019 Bender Visiting Scholar

7:00 PM | Old Main Theater, CU Boulder Campus

Irena Klepfisz, a poet, Yiddishist, and professor of Jewish culture and women’s studies, will serve as the 2019 Sondra & Howard Bender Visiting Scholar. Her public talk in February will explore Yiddish poetry and translation. Klepfisz, who teaches at Barnard College, is known for her work as an activist in feminist, lesbian, and secular Jewish communities.

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The Community Talks Series is made possible by a grantfrom . Rose Community Foundation works to enhance the quality of life in the Greater Denver community through its leadership, resources, traditions and values. Along with leadership, the Foundation uses grantmaking and donor engagement to invest in strategic and innovative solutions to enduring problems and emerging issues.