Ramaley N379AUpdated Logo
Department of Integrative Physiology
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0354
Office Phone: 303-735-6249

Research Interests

The ECLIPSE (Environmental CLimate, Health Inequities, and Public Science Exploration) LaboratoryÌýis interested applying a multidisciplinary approach to dissecting the contributions of diet, environmental exposures, climate change, and the gut microbiome to human health, with a particular focus on obesity, type 2 diabetes, and health disparities.


  • Director:ÌýDr. Tanya L. Alderete
  • Project Research Assistants:ÌýKevin Clark, Zach Stieneker
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow:ÌýEllie Holzhausen, Bridget Chalifour
  • Graduate Student(s):ÌýWilliam Patterson, Emily Yeo, Joseph Lim
  • Biostatistican:ÌýNathan Young

Current Research Projects

  • Exposure to air pollutants, obesity, insulin resistance, and the gut microbiome
  • Persistent organic pollutants and risk factors for type 2 diabetes in youth
  • Environmental exposures, breastmilk, and infant growth trajectories

Find out how you can participate in a study.

Opportunities for Undergraduates

  • We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated undergraduate students who are interested in obtaining research experience.
  • Candidates must have an interest in obesity, type 2 diabetes, health disparities, and environmental health.
  • Enroll in Independent Study (i.e., IPHY 4860) for 8-10 hours/week for at least one semester (undergraduates).
  • Either have completed or be currently enrolled in Introductory Statistics (IPHY 3280).
  • For more information, please contact tanya.alderete@colorado.edu.

Opportunities for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Graduate student and postdoctoral fellow training is available contingent upon research funding.
  • For more information, please contact tanya.alderete@colorado.edu.

Recent Publications

For a complete list of publications click .

Funding (Active and Completed)

  • 2017 – 2022 NIH/NIEHS K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award (PI: Alderete)
  • 2019 – 2022 Â鶹ÊÓƵ Research and Innovation Seed Grant (PI: Alderete)
  • 2019 – 2024 NIH/NIEHS R01 Environmental Chemical Exposures and Longitudinal Alterations in Glucose Metabolism, Insulin Sensitivity and Beta-cell function in Youth (Co-I: Alderete)
  • 2020 – 2023 HEI Rosenblith New Investigator Award (PI: Alderete)
  • 2021Ìý– 2026ÌýNIH NIMHD P50 Project Center Grant El Sendero (Pathways to Health)Ìý(mPI: Alderete)
  • 2023Ìý– 2028ÌýNIH NIEHS R01ÌýPerfluoroalkyl substances and the gut microbiome and fecal metabolome: Implications for obesity risk in Hispanic children (PI: Alderete)
  • 2023Ìý– 2028ÌýNIH NIDDK U01ÌýUnderstanding and targeting the pathophysiology of youth-onset type 2 diabetes (Co-I: Alderete)
  • 2023Ìý– 2028ÌýNIH NHGRI U01ÌýLife-course Integration of Environmental Exposures, Omics, and Childhood NAFLD (LEÓN) Study (Co-I: Alderete)