michael vorwald
(He|Him|His) • Coordinator for Late Night Programs

While I currently reside in Colorado, I’m from the northern suburbs of Chicago. I completed my bachelor’s degree in history education from Michigan State University in 2021 and I completed my MS in higher education administration and policy from Northwestern University in 2022. I am excited to be working in student involvement at CU Boulder as my work is driven by a passion for developing barrier-free programming opportunities and helping students find their sense of belonging. When I am out of the office, I love to spend times outdoors whether its biking, hiking or simply going out for a walk. I am also a big-time fan of Chicago sports (Cubs, Bears, Blackhawks and Bulls). My advice to students is not be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and to try new experiences (whether it’s joining a student org or attending a program) that might not have interested you in high school. The college experience is full of peaks and valleys, and you could end up making some of your most important lifelong friends by simply making an effort to step outside of your comfort zone.